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any crawlers in MN?

Hey guys, what time are looking at for our gtg's/comps...I put 2:00pm on the site to have something marked. Is that time acceptable or is there a better time? Post up and let me know!
Hey ProBeater... Do you have couple street names at an intersection near the GTG point in Cannon Falls? (something like an intersection just after the gtg spot, maybe even the address of the VFW 1/2 block away.)
I saw that you have directions on how to get there... I'd like to try to do one of my maps again, but I need some sort of street address/intersection to make it work easier.
Also, the Satalite image probably won't be nearly as clear as the Burnsville or Black Dog locs because CF is in a less populated area. but I can try to do my best.
Nicklepimp said:
Hey guys, what time are looking at for our gtg's/comps...I put 2:00pm on the site to have something marked. Is that time acceptable or is there a better time? Post up and let me know!

I was thinking 1:00ish... I know that some people in the past have had to work till 2, but those of us that are there at 1 will most likely still be there (weather permitting).
How long does everyone expect to be at the GTG? Unfortunatly I have to work till 4:30 in Mankato, :x but I may see if i can get off early if people are going to be around a few hours.

Also are the comp dates on the web site a sure thing? If so I'm going to ask for them off now before its too late.
speedsport22 said:
Adogg13x could I put my car at your house and ride with you? Or if you know of a safe place to put my car?

Yeah, you can park it here. I live in an apartment with underground parking, so you could just take my spot when we head out.
I'll PM you the directions to my place.
speedsport22 said:
I was thinking 1:00pm.

I agree. I'm sure the first couple of comps might take longer because of learning the routine.

EDIT: I have a guys baby shower (party) to go to at 3:00 in Hastings, so I'll be heading out a bit early from the GTG. I'm gonna see about getting there at 1:00. Anyone have any of those 1:18 Nylint battery packs? I had two, but now I can't find one. I'm only getting about 10 minutes run time on those, so I blow through them pretty fast. I still need to get bigger batteries, with the mud truck needing $$, I've gotta get that done first before I can really buy non-essential RC stuff.

Troy, can you PM me your number? I have been wanting to call you, but keep forgetting I don't have it. Thanks for getting it/ those on order.
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Up coming MN GTG

Next Gtg
The next gtg is less then a week away.
The weather so far is looking good, partly cloudy and 73. (I'm gonna be optimistic)
Nickelpimp has done a great job on the website. (Thanks Kevin)
The club is making great progress. (thanks all)
All we're missing is some of the earlier posters that haven't been on for a while.
I think we have a great core group here, but I'm really hoping there will be more then 6-7 active members here.
I really think the comps would be more fun with 10-12 regulars.
Here's another shout out to the guys who haven't posted up for awhile.

Current club member statis:

Currently active's

Pro beater

Posted with interest, but are MIA lately.

North country???
Mn Gumby???
Mgt mania??

Common guys, where are you???
post up, and check out our new club website!!
And don't miss the GTG in Cannon Falls on Sat 5-20-06
make'n a day of it

i had actually planned on making a day of it get together around 2 , shoot the stuff , and go play a little , check out a few different spots that are close by , i planned on most likely being there till 4:00-5:00 , anyone wants to meet up , let me know , here is my phone #Jerimy 612-369-0501

Aadogg has the info to do the maps, with his expertise with the maps last time it shouldnt be hard to get there:flipoff:

if ya get lost In cannon the VFW is the nearest place

VFW Post 4452 4th St N. Cannon Falls, MN 55009

if ya wanna mapquest it from your place
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Well, I tuned my new clod and took it out today. I think I'm gonna llke it much better, at first I hated it, now I think it's gonna be one of my favorites. I thought it was too tall, but it seems to climb pretty well. I guess we'll see forsure on Sat. I picked up some metal yokes for the tlt's and those are both up and running, as well as my unlocked clod, ( still haven't decided if I need 2 clod crawlers, or if I wanna make the one a basher/trail rig.
I'm totally excited and ready for the gtg Sat. Man I hope for good weather and a good turn out.
Ok guys here are some directions w/ maps...
The blue circle is what I assumed is the bridge that Pro Beater is talking about in his directions.
And the red outline is the general area of where the spot(s) are. (Pro Beater, if any or it is wrong, let me know... I can change it a bit and put up a new image)

Heading East on 494: After passing the airport/crossing the Minnesota River bridge, Take the MN-149 exit #69(to MN-55). Turn LEFT at Dodd Rd. At the next stoplight, turn LEFT onto MN-55. Continue on 55 untill it turns into MN-52. 55+52 for about 25-30 miles +/- a few. Then insert Probeaters directions: 52 South to 280th/County86 (turn LEFT onto 280th), keep going forward , make no turns, you will pass a Fina gas station on the right, then cross 1 bridge , and find a place to park (either side of street there are lots)....
If you pass the VFW ya are 1/2 block too far , there is a little duck pond by the creek , we can all meet there (down the hill from the VFW) there is a smooth rock pile next to the trees we'll meet up there.....

(Mapquest and Google didn't help out too much with the written part of the directions. They gave a little bit different of a route. And after seeing the maps/satalite images I figured that Pro Beaters direction would be the easiest.)
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Speed sport and I got together today to do a little crawling in Mankato:mrgreen: . We found one small spot that was ok, and looked for some more, but didn't find much for 2.2's. Heres a couple pics of what we did find. Crappy body-me, nice airbrushed body-Speedsport.

freetimecrawler said:
Looks fun, it was a nice day for it. So which one is the "crappy one"? they both look better then my paint jobs.

It was a great day to be out. The crappy one is the multi colored one, its a stock Rustler body.:roll: Speedsports body looks really good in person, it has some nice metalic in it.
I figured all those rocks along the river in Mankato looked like it'd be a good spot. I was driving down 169 on my way to Fairmont for the dirt track races.

Andy, great job on the maps as usual! Where do we park and stuff? I saw the red area...

Troy, I stopped by Office Depot last night to get Quicken for the new computer, while I was there I looked at those 2500maH NiMH batteries. They are $28.00 for a pack of 8. I think they had a 4 pack that came with a charger, which might not be a bad way to go for the TX. They are a bit pricey though. Oh well who ever said that comp rigs are cheap eh? After Dresser, it's go time onthe crawler again. Gotta get it dialed in, learn how to drive it, and get spare parts for the IA comp. I have no idea what to expect about that comp, so I thought I'd load for bear...