I was just looking over the gtg thread and the thought came to me, that our thread is never off of page 1, it is also by far one of the most active threads in the gtg section with 5600 some views.

. If the mods here at RCC decide not to list us in the club section (which I highly doubt) then someone with the MWRCA must play a mean skin flute, ;-)
Anyway, Great turn out today guys, very encouraging. Chris, Luke, sorry you guys had to work, hopefully you'll be able to join us next time. These gtg's are for testing and finding the short comings in our rigs, as well as meet and greets. I'm looking forward to the start of comp season, I no I have alot of work to do before then :|
It's going to be a learing experience since it seems the comp thing is new to us all.
I also wanna throw the suggestion out there to maybe think about starting the comps earlier since I'm thinking it's gonna take us a while at least the first few.
I got the ok from Tom the owner over at Hobby Wearhouse to set up the rock crawling demo at the Swap~A~Ganza swap meet tomorrow. Pro beater (Jerimy) is going to get some rocks. (thanks Jerimy) Nickelpimp (Kevin) is going to make some of those flyers promoting our summer comp series and club, (thanks Kevin) I'm going to have my 2 tlt's, the one locked clod, and the unlocked clod there tomorrow. All are encouraged to try and stop by for a bit and help run trucks,answer ques,etc. I only have the one radio since I loaned one to my brother, if anyone wants to run one of my trucks? just bring an am radio and crystals for it, I have recievers. It's supposed to be a very nice day tomorrow, I'm sure there's going to be a large turnout there. I really am hoping to get some more interest in rc crawling, and of course our club.
I'm also excited to see the pic's from today.