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any crawlers in MN?

hobby shop flyers

ok , i had somone draw up a flyer today , somthing we should be able to post at the local hobby shops i sent it to Nicklepimp , he noticed a spelling error so i imagine he is working on fixing it , hopefully he will post it soon:flipoff:
Sorry I didn't get the flyer up, but the resizing isn't going so well. I'll work on it some more tomorrow after the gtg. I'll print a copy and bring it to the gtg so whoever shows can see it. I was also working on my rig trying to get it up and running for tomorrow.

Troy, the esc works fine-forwards and reverse...but I've established that it's not the esc at fault because it's still doing the same shiat:evil:. So it's not the esc, it's not the batteries(I've tried 2 different batteries)...I must be getting closer...I hope. But it does work just fine with front steer only so I'll charge my batteries and be out there tomorrow.
Well, the day has arrived for our gtg and kare 11 says a slight chance of some sprinkles moving through about noon, shouldn't be a big deal. I'm still puzzled as to what happened to about half our group? Toyota T, Cole18, Mgt mania, Mn Gumby, 4x4rcfreek, scho0643, mudman20, Hulk, what happened to all you guys??? None of you has posted in quite a while.
Only a fleeting interest? that busy? wtf?
Well anyway, I hope to see the rest of you there?

Adogg, again, thanks for the maps!! And don't forget that awsome camera of your's, we need some great action shots today!!!

Rerock, if you check the board before you leave? Please bring your tennis ball halfs, it might be fun to set up a few gates, and maybe map out a course?

North country, I hope you can make it? You posted yesterday that you were "almost ready" Come either way and meet the guys, I have extra trucks with me

On another note, is anyone free tomorrow?? Hobby wearhouse is having they're swap meet tomorrow. I'm going to get an ok from Tom the owner today to set up a few rocks for a little rock crawling demo. If anyone's interested in helping promote our club, and rock crawling in general? post up here if you can make it. Also if your interested in buying/selling /or swapping, there should be a good crowd there throughout the day. (its a very busy store esp on weekends).
I'll post more info tonight as to if Tom gives the ok, and what time I'll be there.

Hopefully see you all in a few hours!!!!
Hey Troy, I'll bring the gates. Did those gears happen to show up? If so I'll bring toools and bearings to swap out the rear end. If they didn't show up, I'll toss in the bearings and see f that helps any for now. If they did, I'll just bring them with and do the swap down there. Screw it, I'll just give you a call.
my place didnt have the R&P sorry man , i have to do a JAM session here and try to get my truck thgether, if i cant i'll bring one og my axles and ya can use it for the g2g

hope to see ya all out there

if anyone gets lost gimme a call 612-369-0501 ask for Jerimy
I was just looking over the gtg thread and the thought came to me, that our thread is never off of page 1, it is also by far one of the most active threads in the gtg section with 5600 some views. :) . If the mods here at RCC decide not to list us in the club section (which I highly doubt) then someone with the MWRCA must play a mean skin flute, ;-)
Anyway, Great turn out today guys, very encouraging. Chris, Luke, sorry you guys had to work, hopefully you'll be able to join us next time. These gtg's are for testing and finding the short comings in our rigs, as well as meet and greets. I'm looking forward to the start of comp season, I no I have alot of work to do before then :|
It's going to be a learing experience since it seems the comp thing is new to us all.
I also wanna throw the suggestion out there to maybe think about starting the comps earlier since I'm thinking it's gonna take us a while at least the first few.

I got the ok from Tom the owner over at Hobby Wearhouse to set up the rock crawling demo at the Swap~A~Ganza swap meet tomorrow. Pro beater (Jerimy) is going to get some rocks. (thanks Jerimy) Nickelpimp (Kevin) is going to make some of those flyers promoting our summer comp series and club, (thanks Kevin) I'm going to have my 2 tlt's, the one locked clod, and the unlocked clod there tomorrow. All are encouraged to try and stop by for a bit and help run trucks,answer ques,etc. I only have the one radio since I loaned one to my brother, if anyone wants to run one of my trucks? just bring an am radio and crystals for it, I have recievers. It's supposed to be a very nice day tomorrow, I'm sure there's going to be a large turnout there. I really am hoping to get some more interest in rc crawling, and of course our club.

I'm also excited to see the pic's from today.
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Nicklepimp said:
Here's my edited version of the flyer that Pro Beater's so & so produced (I don't know exactly how you refer to her as so I firgured I'd play it safe ;-) ). Also I figured out how I can post pictures without all the headaches of resizing/cropping/blah,blah,blah...

Hey Kevin... I don't mean to nit-pick.. but the 'your' in the "If your interested in the hobby..." is spelled wrong. It should be '"you're", as in 'you are'.
Just thought you should know...:mrgreen:
Adogg13x said:
Hey Kevin... I don't mean to nit-pick.. but the 'your' in the "If your interested in the hobby..." is spelled wrong. It should be '"you're", as in 'you are'.
Just thought you should know...:mrgreen:

That's ok... it's the 5th typo I've found from the original version. Let me tell you the hell I've gone thru: I've been working on the thing since I got home and right now it's about 10:20p. I started to print them then Troy found an error, then I corrected it and started to print them again. Then I found another error...then another error!! So I corrected them and started to print again. Then I ran out of black ink!!! That was 9:45p. I busted my a** up to Target just as they were closing to buy a cartrige. Then I get home and you point this out. I'm glad you pointed it out before I started printing again. I'm not trying to be harsh at all but she made a total of 5 errors. I'm going to re-re-read this thing a couple more times before I print again!!
:flipoff: and WANNA should be Want To , so there , funk that noise , , thanks for all the help with the paper..... sorry for all the troubles

great turn out today guys, i was amazed at how well represented we were today..
obviously i'll be at the demo tomorrow...

i would like to see some of the pics from the G2G today , thanks again for those that went out of theyre way to show up ......
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OK, I made the change to your to you're...please everyone look at it and let me know if any other typos before I print please!!!!!!!
Ok guys, here are just a few of the photos from the GTG yesterday. I will be resizing the rest and giving them to Nicklepimp for him to put on our website.


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Well, the demo at the Swap~A~Ganza went well. There was a big turn out, mostly flyers, but we did get more then our share of attention. We met a couple of guys from Hutchinson in an rc club that offroad race and most guys in their club are now starting crawlers. They were thinking nitro, cause thats what they're into, but after seeing the tlt's and clods, they are talking building electric now. They invited us out to Hutch where they're building a crawling course with some farmer donated field rock. They are also having a swap meet on Sun June 11th, a day after our first comp. Pro beater and I are planning on being there to do another rock crawling demo. I know it makes for a busy weekend, but if anyone can come out and run? it just helps promote our club all the more. We had alot of questions and answered ALOT of questions today. People were looking at chassis and looking over the crawlers well, the last guy I talked to I'm sure is going to be building a crawler. All in all, well worth doing the demo in my humble opinion.

On another note, Pro beater brought the demo pile of rocks back to my place, I've started on a small test course. After playing around on it for a little bit tonight, I've decided it just won't do. I'm going to ship in another 3-4 pickup loads of rocks, and make a full blown course. I'm looking at some different designs, thinking on making some lines mostly for the 2.2's, and making it so the clods can just roam, (although not without challenge) I would also like to add some sort of tank trap (bowl), and possibly a small mudd boggin pit. Course construction to take place over the next couple of weeks. If anyone has idea's? or would like to lend a hand? just let me know. This will be open for all club members to run on for testing, practice, small gtg's, demo's etc. I'm hoping to make it large enough and challanging enough to run 3-4 trucks or more at one time.

On yet another note, it seems as though the raffle idea, as good as it was, is just too complicated to pull off. I'm thinking of just building the truck and selling it outright, and donating the proceeds to the club. We'll see how it plays out. I still have alot of other work to do before comp season starts.

Were are you guys that dissapeared?? You're missing out!!
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What a great GTG! It was great to meet those of you I haden't meet before, and things are looking great for the June 10th comp! I can't wait to get one going. It may be a rocky start as we are all pretty green when it comes to comps and points, but I think after a few, we'll have it down. Cannon Falls was a great place, I'd like to see what's down by Red Wing. I'm sure there's some pretty good spots down by there...