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any crawlers in MN?

had a RIOT

myself , dad (maddjack), and son Chace had a good time , at the g2g , glad yall liked the spot in cannon...
the demo was pretty cool, and i even won 5$ in hobby bucks from Hobby Warehouse, by the way my truck still hates you freetime...LOL

now i have to rebuild my own truck , do a little work on dad's and start on somthing for chace.... busy schedule ahead of me :flipoff:
I'm glad to have seen so many people at the gtg and so many rigs. Our club is getting bigger and bigger and that's great. The more members we have the better the competition and the more fun everyone will have. From what I've heard everyone had a great time and that's what it's all about!! Thanks for making everyone.

My calendar says that the first comp is less than 3 weeks away. I'm as excited as everyone else (if not more), but I think we have a few items that need to be addressed before then. This is a bit long but everything is important. Please read the entire post as it’s the sooner we address these concerns the better off we’ll be.

For starters: To my knowledge there is going to be 3 classes: Super, 2.2, and modified 2.2 that we have people planning on. We need to address the specifics on these classes (i.e. vehicle restrictions, allowances, etc). That way if anyone needs to make changes to qualify they have some time to do so rather than making the trip for nothing.

We also need to agree on the specifics of all the rules. In order to achieve this I encourage everyone to read thru the rules that I used from the USRCCA site so as to become familiar. If there is anything that is unclear or something that won't work in our club or region we need to try to address them before we get to the comp.

It would also be good to know what position everyone is going to be like who is responsible for greeting and making sure everyone is signed in. Who are going to be judges would be my greatest concern at this time, mainly because it will be all that much more important that the judges are very familiar with the rules and vehicle restrictions. When we were at Applebee’s I mentioned that we should have one main judge so that when a question comes up at a comp and we need a final decision we have 1 ultimate person rather than an argument trying to reach a decision.

Not as time constrained but just as important who is who. What responsibilities are people willing to take on? President/Main Contact, V.P., Secretary, Treasurer, Course Designer(s), Judges, Head Judge, are just some of the positions I can think of off the top of my head. There may be more, maybe we don’t need some of the one’s I listed. There is no limit and some people/positions can double up (i.e. the V.P. could be the main judge, everyone could be judges that take turns, Secretary can be in charge of treasury, etc.)

The point is we are trying to be an organized club, we need some organization. I understand that we are in the beginning stages and that we will be learning as we go along. I also realize that things won’t be completely smooth until we get some comps under our belts, but the more we plan ahead of time and the more organized we are going into it the better/easier it will be. I don’t want to see all the hard work we’ve done so far go to waste just because of all the confusion that will arise. I also want to make sure that everyone has as much fun and as good of a time as possible.
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Nicklepimp,!,!,!,!, That my color!!! ^ :flipoff::mrgreen:

Also, I sent you just about all the photos I took. They have all been resized for you. And boy did that take a while... Maybe I should install the software that came with the camera and try using that instead of Paint. Sometime...
Adogg13x said:
Nicklepimp,!,!,!,!, That my color!!! ^ :flipoff::mrgreen:

Also, I sent you just about all the photos I took. They have all been resized for you. And boy did that take a while... Maybe I should install the software that came with the camera and try using that instead of Paint. Sometime...

There you go...I changed the color:flipoff: I didn't know you had claimed it!! So did you read it or just notice the color??:roll:
Nicklepimp said:
There you go...I changed the color:flipoff: I didn't know you had claimed it!! So did you read it or just notice the color??:roll:

Yes I have claimed it... At least with the MNRCRC crowd.;-)
And yes I did read the post, got confused thinking i wrote it but didn't remember writing it. Now I read it again, and it made more sense.:mrgreen:

I'm thinking we should all plan on some sort of GTG that doesn't nessecerilly involve our crawlers, but more of a GTG at a Applebees, Fridays, etc to chat and figure out some more of the specifics. Maybe a couple of them before the June comp. They could be on a weekday night 6ish/7ish or one of the weekend days. I'm not thinking that everyone HAS to attend, but the 5,6,7 of us that seem to be posting the most and are at most of the GTG could. And anyone that wants to come, can and give their input.
Adogg, I messed up. I accidently erased all those pics you sent me. Could you resize 'em and send them to me again? All 41 of them?
Just kidding:flipoff: Man, I can see why it took you so long...41 pics and all of them are great!!! I've got all of them up on the site now. I would have got 'em up sooner but I was busy staring at all of them!! Check 'em out on our site everyone!!
I think we should meet up an a saterday to discuss things farther. I'm willing to take part in any of the positions that you posted. As Nicklepimp stated we are off to a good start but we just need to finish all of the details.
speedsport22 said:
I think we should meet up an a saterday to discuss things farther. I'm willing to take part in any of the positions that you posted. As Nicklepimp stated we are off to a good start but we just need to finish all of the details.

Well that only leaves this coming Memorial day weekend Sat or Sat the 3rd of June left before our comps start. Someone pick a time to meet and post up. I'm open to help with any position.
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freetimecrawler said:
Well that only leaves this coming Memorial day weekend Sat or Sat the 3rd of June left before our comps start. Someone pick a time to meet and post up. I'm open to help with any position.

I'm down for Sat. Anytime after 2pm.
I'll be at Dresser Memorial weekend, so that's out fo rme. I'll go back and read your post Nicklepimp.

EDIT: We can have a non-crawling GTG at my shop to discuss finalities over beers/whatever. I'll throw it out there as an option. I won't be available until that weekend of the 3rd though. Dresser is coming up fast and I got a ton of stuff to do. I agree that we have gotten off to a great start, but nailing stuff down, atleast for now is a good idea. I mean we come to a conclusion and try it out. If things aren't working as well as they could be, then we can certainly change them down the road; but atleast we'd have something in action to start with.

I just don't want to burden anyone more than they are willing. It is a hobby after all, not a full time job. If we can spread the load across the core members, than it'll be easier for everyone. I mean day-to-day operations seem to be going fine, so the biggest things to get finalized is the comp structure. That shouldn't be a big deal. In the meantime everyone can read/print out the USRCRA (or whatever it is) rules and get familiar. Then when we go to discuss them, everyone is on the same page adnd we can be more productive. Do
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Outa He Er

i wont be around this weekend , have to go to fargo (don'cha know) to help my brother out , and sell some of my toys to finance more toys:flipoff:

anyone wanna buy a 79' F150 4x?
900 , needs a lil work , i just put in a master , and had the carb rebuilt
needs tune up and some gaskets

79 F-150 4x4, Standard cab Shortbox, 351 Modified , Auto trans , lockouts in front , dual exhaust, i think ya could put 31's on it gimme a call if ya wanna take a look at it, or pm me and i'll take pics of it

trades possible , sbf parts / rc parts , cycle?
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Well it looks as though I'll be making a trip to Iowa this Sat to pick up a Mountaineer I looked at Sun at the swap meet. She's in beautiful shape and I can't wait until Sat. I'm hoping the weathers nice so I can take my cycle.
As I stated before, I'll do anything thats needed to help the club along. Sounds like we should make our club meeting Sat the 3rd of June?
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cool , thanks re rock , i'll pitch ya a finders fee if he buys it , it runs 'n drives, hub bearings MIGHT need to bew done not sure tho ,

goin to get the truck huh free time???
that is a hell of a deal

who else in interested in going to the swap in hutch? me and my dad are goin for sure
pro beater said:
cool , thanks re rock , i'll pitch ya a finders fee if he buys it , it runs 'n drives, hub bearings MIGHT need to bew done not sure tho ,

goin to get the truck huh free time???
that is a hell of a deal

who else in interested in going to the swap in hutch? me and my dad are goin for sure
Yeah Jerimy, I'm buying that truck that was at the swap meet, I couldn't resist, too good of a price. I think I could turn around and sell it for a profit, but I'm gonna keep it. I'm also in on the Hutch swap meet, I'm hoping to have my trucks still running after our Sat comp ;-) to do a demo for them.
Right now I'm remodeling some kitchens in a 1925 Brownstone, too boring not working a little at least, and I've always enjoyed that type of work. This morning I'm going to put a new floor in the kitchen before I install the new cabinets.
I know it's not getting my website done very fast, but it will get finished soon, I still have alot of calls to make to distrubtors and such. Supposed to be nice Sat with a slight chance of rain, I'm planning on taking my cycle to Iowa to pick up that truck. I'm gonna do a little scouting on the way for crawling spots, we need some natural rock formations like most everyone else crawls on, and I know theres some along the river.
It was nice meeting you guys, I had a great time. I'm looking forward to the 10th.

Freetime I know you've been out to Taylors Falls, did you go into that parking lot next to where you can get paddle boat rides? There is a really big natural rock formation right by the parking lot, I thought it was a good spot when I went out there with MMTR, but you can't crawl with an unlocked clod with a couple 11 turn singles.

I switched my 2.2 to 2ws to see if I like it. (damn that was alot of 2s):lol: