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any crawlers in MN?

North Country said:
It was nice meeting you guys, I had a great time. I'm looking forward to the 10th.

Freetime I know you've been out to Taylors Falls, did you go into that parking lot next to where you can get paddle boat rides? There is a really big natural rock formation right by the parking lot, I thought it was a good spot when I went out there with MMTR, but you can't crawl with an unlocked clod with a couple 11 turn singles.

I switched my 2.2 to 2ws to see if I like it. (damn that was alot of 2s):lol:

I probably have been to that lot, but it would of been before I was into crawling, so I didn't even notice. I'm sure it should be a good spot, there should be alot in that area. I think we should try and get some pic's posted, and maybe do One of our comps there? We could/should do all Eight in different locations.
I take it you got your electrical problem taken care of?
Are you guys going to be able to make the club meeting on the comp org probably on Sat June 3rd?

The home rock course is progressing, Pro beater was over tonight, and we added another load of rock, and did some course planning. I have another load of rock, and possibly 2 coming this weekend. I'm also thinking of moving a shed to make a little more room for the course. I'll get some pic's up when it's closer to finished. All will be welcome to drop by and run on it.

Rerock, I hope you'll be posting some pic's of your Memorial day mud boggin weekend??
I think my electrical problem was a blown servo, which is taken care of but I haven't ran much yet. I don't know of any good areas around here so you should let me know when your course is ready so I can come over and practice a little. (I need it)

I should be able to make on June 3rd.

I think Taylors Falls would be a great place for a comp and BBQ or something. I'll try to go out there some time to get some pics and practice.
So... I have tomorrow off and was wondering if anyone's up for some crawling in the afternoon (took some time off today for a root cannal, FUN:evil:. And figured I'd just make i an extra long weekend:flipoff:). Not really sure where, maybe Burnsville. Or see that spot by the Bloomington PD station...
I did a few minor adjustment to my Clod and have an itch to try it out.
Freetime, maybe try out your new pile?
Anyone interested, let me know...
Adogg13x said:
So... I have tomorrow off and was wondering if anyone's up for some crawling in the afternoon (took some time off today for a root cannal, FUN:evil:. And figured I'd just make i an extra long weekend:flipoff:). Not really sure where, maybe Burnsville. Or see that spot by the Bloomington PD station...
I did a few minor adjustment to my Clod and have an itch to try it out.
Freetime, maybe try out your new pile?
Anyone interested, let me know...

I'm down for some crawling... I figured out what was wrong with my rig and I also finished my good battery. Either location is fine by me. I'm free anytime after 3:30p.
I'm down for some crawling tomorrow afternoon as well,:)
I won't be avaible until around 3:00-3:30 myself. I'm more then likely going to be bringing another load of rocks home with me. Your both welcome to come over and check out the course, It's not finished yet, but I could use the input, and it would be nice to have clods here since building a challanging 2.2 course is a little eaiser. The course isn't much yet, but there are plans in the works to make it challanging enough for both 2.2's and the clods. I would like to have your guy's idea's.
Since I'm not worried about it, I'll post both my phone #'s here.

Home: 612 345-5467
Cell: 612 220-4623

A bit of club news to share.:)
I've received a PM from Kevinlongisland,
We've been voted in by the mods to have our club officially listed here at RCC.
We should be listed before the weekend. They were pleased with our last turn out #'s and those pic's helped alot!! Kevinlongisland "Looks like you guys have a good group going there"
I put myself down as contact because I didn't have anyone else's email address, that can be changed as we set up our club org.

North country, your also welcome (as is anyone else) to swing by and run on the course anytime. Glad to hear you got your problem figured out, (both you and Nickelpimp). I'm in Richfield right off of Crosstown and Lyndale ave exit.
Besides running down to Iowa Sat morning to pick up that Mountaineer,:)
I have no big plans for the holiday weekend. I'm planning on being around home probably working on trucks and the course. I tend to try to stay in town on the "big" weekends, since it seems everyone else heads out. :flipoff: the crowded campgrounds and highways.

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freetimecrawler said:
I'm down for some crawling tomorrow afternoon as well,:)
I won't be avaible until around 3:00-3:30 myself. I'm more then likely going to be bringing another load of rocks home with me. Your both welcome to come over and check out the course, It's not finished yet, but I could use the input, and it would be nice to have clods here since building a challanging 2.2 course is a little eaiser. The course isn't much yet, but there are plans in the works to make it challanging enough for both 2.2's and the clods. I would like to have your guy's idea's.
Since I'm not worried about it, I'll post both my phone #'s here.

Home: 612 345-5467
Cell: 612 220-4623

A bit of club news to share.:)
I've received a PM from Kevinlongisland,
We've been voted in by the mods to have our club officially listed here at RCC.
We should be listed before the weekend.
I put myself down as contact because I didn't have anyone else's email address, that can be changed as we set up our club org.

North country, your also welcome (as is anyone else) to swing by and run on the course anytime, I'm in Richfield right off of Crosstown and Lyndale ave exit.
Besides running down to Iowa Sat morning to pick up that Mountaineer,:)
I have no big plans for the holiday weekend. I'm planning on being around home probably working on trucks and the course. I tend to try to stay in town on the "big" weekends, since it seems everyone else heads out. :flipoff: the crowded campgrounds and highways.

Sounds like a plan to me for tomorrow. I'd like to check out your course.

We've been accepted??? THAT'S GREAT!!! We're finally official. Welcome to the big leagues boys. Makes me even more excited about the first comp.
Nicklepimp said:
Sounds like a plan to me for tomorrow. I'd like to check out your course.

We've been accepted??? THAT'S GREAT!!! We're finally official. Welcome to the big leagues boys. Makes me even more excited about the first comp.

We should also be having our club website listed at the USRCCA website soon.:) Just waiting on word on that.
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That is great that we are going to be official now. That makes me very happy. I'm with Nicklepimp, I can't wait for the first comp now, well I couldn't before:flipoff: .
The club listing went up this morning!! Also our June 10th comp is now listed in the RCC calendar. We are finally officially a club, congrats all and thanks everyone for the work and dedication. We've come along way from not knowing one another a few months ago, to becoming an official club, and making some cool new friends. We still have a ways to go, but we're off on the right foot to a great start. Looking through some of the other clubs websites, besides the clubs that have been around 2-3 years, we're as orginized as any of the rest. Hopefully now with the weather being nice, flyers up in hobby shops, more crawling demo's etc, we can pick up a few more members. And hopefully some of the earlier guys that posted will pop up again soon?

I did bring another load of rock home with me today. After I unload, I have to go help a friend with his pool for a couple of hours. I'll be back home around 3pm if you guys still wanna swing by?
Nickelpimp, I know you know where I'm at, Adogg, I'm directly across from the parking lot entrance of Lyndale Garden Center. I'm at 6345 Lyndale, back corner of the parking lot behind the building.

Speedsport, Hows the job hunt going?? keep us posted, and good luck!!

Have a good and safe Memorial Day weekend all!!!
As I stated before, I'll be around most of the weekend working on trucks and the course if anyone's in town and not busy? feel free to drop by and run. That June 10th comp is gonna be coming up fast. I know I need the practice.
Well Freetime I have a interview on tuesday at Hiniker. Those of you that dont know they make snowplows. So hopefuly that goes well. If any one needs help with any odd work I'm more than willing.
well, well, well, look at what happens when I'm gone. ITs awsome that there was a huge turnout at the last big gtg. I was gonna go till my kitchen flooded. I really want to gtg with some of ya to do some runnin now that I'm back. That rocks that the club is getting recognized!!!!! And just as a heads up..... I'm gonna be posting up a shat load of parts in the for sale section here so if any of ya need any parts LMK, I have pretty much everything and anything any of ya might possibly need. I'm givin ya'll first dibs on it. I'm also gonna be having a couple of trucks in there too. I'm gonna be online pretty much everyday so if any of ya'll need anything LMK, I'll give ya a good deal.
Hey Guys! I can't believe I haven't seen this thread before (although I really don't get on this site often enough). I was just given the link to the new MN Crawlers web site. It's very cool to see another club here in MN!

I'm Ben Prenevost, owner of Team PRP and part of MMTR (MN Monster Truck Racers) MMTR is a MN racing club for Clods, TXT's, tough trucks, etc... and from time to time we go out and do some crawling. We welcome ANYONE to run with us on Wednesday nights (racing). However, the school shuts down for the summer, so after June 7th we'll just be racing at club members' homes. The schedule will be on our site. We'd love to see more people show up!!!

For our crawling sessions, we have gone to Taylors Falls and are planning another trip soon. For the most part, we have just made some crawlers that are more of a "stock" class and resemble slightly modified street trucks. But I think some of us are going to be making more competition level trucks soon.

I've been really lazy with the crawler stuff because I have been focusing on NRCTPA race events for the team, but I'm getting an itch to make some new crawlers :)



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