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any crawlers in MN?

Was this the original gay pride flag, Mike? :flipoff:

You know those gay ass bodys you get with trucks you buy used? Thats one of those that I just tossed on a rig. But at least it isn't as gay as some of the stuff I have seen you paint your self :flipoff:
I say A is the answer. I do not like the BS call of going out in huge wide turns to make the next gate. I have done this myself, but only because it wasn't a penalty. I believe that a course is laid out and should be run as a course. Not a huge wide turn around here (wastes time as well) and then make the gate. I can explain this better with pen and paper at the meeting if you don't understand.


i think that if what you described was done than anyone without dig would be at a severe disadvantage and would make dig practically a requirement. i cannot afford dig.

on another note, i got the tap out of the hole in my chassis and now i am painting it. i have all the parts and will put the paint on over the primer and the clearcoat on this weekend.
the only time we had to use boundary lines was because we didn't want people doing a large turn around, me having a weak servo last year worked around the boundary's and never broke one. i think that if you keep an eye ahead of yourself and know your rig you should be able to pick a line. i, like the T man and many others in our club can't afford or just don't bother with installing dig into our rigs. from how i ran last year i feel it isn't necessary for me. if you remember last years spring fall when we used the bridges i the 2.2's and we should have probely used boundary lines to mark that you couldn't bypass the bridge. if we all drive smart this should be the only thing we need boundary's for.
Wow. That's a great looking setup! I might have to grab one up after friday. Gotta pay with a mo so it might take a bit but ill let you guys know what I think.
I am also running the 850 right now... But I will be ordering the newer setup before our next season starts up.
I've got a Novak Goat which is really smooth but still has amazing wheel speed, but I'm playing with brushed motors as well they aren't to bad either. The thing I like about the Goat is it's a monster on six cells can't even tell the difference with 7. My outrunners are going on my scaler. So we might be experimenting a little next season.
Rules Committee Update...Yes, we're still going at it.

We have passed our deadline in talking about the rules. We had the rules just about wrapped up, then the TCS Edge was released. This is the Edge:

This was intended to be a tuber, but there is question about wether or not it should abide by the tuber specs. The arguement is based on the idea that it is a TVP chassis with a tuber body welded on top. As you can see in the pic, none of the links or shocks attatch to the tube. All suspension is attatched at the flat metal portion (TVP).

Last year it was asked whether Griz's SW2ber would be allowed. This is Griz's SW2ber:

On Griz's rig the links and shocks attatch to the chassis and not the tube portion, just like the Edge. The only difference is that the tube portion on Griz's rig attatch by nuts & bolts, instead of it being welded on. It was ruled that Griz's rig would have the abide by the body rules for it's sizing which is larger than the tuber specs.

The theory used for last year's ruling is that if you remove the tube portion that the vehicle could still be driven. If we apply that to the Edge then by the same rights it would have to fit the Body size requirements. And if we allow the Edge, would we now allow the SW2ber to run the same size as a tuber?

This has led to other questions about other tubers that don't have tubing for the bottom half of the chassis (yes Mike, the Gopher has now been questioned). Does a chassis have to have tubing down by the skid in order to be considered a tuber? Or as long as part of the suspension (i.e. the shocks) attatch to the tube portion is it ok? I don't think the gopher or any currently allowed rig is in danger, because we don't want to outlaw a chassis that was once allowed, but in the same respect if we outlaw the Edge or SW2ber, or even just make them comply with the body rule measurements, that will affect other chassis's like the Gopher. Also, if we allow these chassis's, do we need to allow the TVP chassis that's shaped with the profile of a cab to run without a body? If not, how do we regulate it?

We want to be able to regulate the chassis's that people run to prevent people from running rigs that don't look appropriate for our sport (battle bot looking rigs).

As you can imagine this has been quite the debate. People are expressing views from every angle, and there seems to be no easy way to do it. What do you guys think? I want to hear your thoughts.