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any crawlers in MN?

Yup they should be but doers that mean damp or submerged?
I'm not big on mixing electronics and water. I also don't like cleaning up after mud runs. I'm just a big time Sally no friggin fun at all. :-(
When will you be heading home?

I'm hoping to be home in late Feb. early March. Right now I'm trying to find out how to fly my dogs over. According to the airlines the outside Temp cant be below 45F to ship an animal. I have to be back by the 10th of march because my wife is German and she needs to have her VISA activated by then.
Hey Mike, nice photo "thumbsup" Got myself a R2D in the post today, nice little tranny, I'm going to be running either the Goat or a 55t Dominator brushed motor what pinion gear should I try first?

I found Hitec servos hold the water out pretty well in the past.... standard 645MG in this one.

My Bulldog is too big for a carry on. Her snoring and farting would probably annoy too many people.:shock: My wifes little rat dog is slightly too big for carry on. Do you know of any place that sells pre-fabbed dig set ups? Right now I'm using rear steer but I know it wont fly when I get home and want to compete.
I wouldn't worry about the dig right away if steering is what you are worried about, we can give you some tips on getting the most out of your steering. But if you feel you really need Dig, look towards RC4WD and their R2D tranny, has a dig setup built into the tranny its self.
Yeah that tranny caught my eye when I first saw it. I'll be operating on a budget though and was thinking more along the lines of modding the driveshaft for dig.
Hey Storm, totally missed your reply :)

Start with a 14 tooth and go from there if you run the goat, and a 10 tooth with the brushed motor.
My Bulldog is too big for a carry on. Her snoring and farting would probably annoy too many people.:shock: My wifes little rat dog is slightly too big for carry on. Do you know of any place that sells pre-fabbed dig set ups? Right now I'm using rear steer but I know it wont fly when I get home and want to compete.

Yup "snoring and farting" is a problem with carry on :lol: I hope you you get your dog transport problem figuered out.
No pre fabricated dig collars right now, If you you search dig you will find about 7 threads on how to build one from misc parts. I'm going to try that to. Someone will provide one this year is my guess.

I wouldn't worry about the dig right away if steering is what you are worried about, we can give you some tips on getting the most out of your steering. But if you feel you really need Dig, look towards RC4WD and their R2D tranny, has a dig setup built into the tranny its self.

Mike's got the subject covered he's our reigning Champ so he's a great resource for set up questions. "thumbsup"

Yeah that tranny caught my eye when I first saw it. I'll be operating on a budget though and was thinking more along the lines of modding the drive shaft for dig.

The rc4wd R2 disconnect is your only pre built option and it's actually a very nice little package, only drawback is it's noisy, geared low and has no bearings (it's bushed) gotta keep it lubed up. They now make a R2HD version with bearings and wider gears but it takes up more space which is fine if you have it. I'm tight on space in my SW3 so I chose the R2D.

Hey Storm, totally missed your reply :)

Start with a 14 tooth and go from there if you run the goat, and a 10 tooth with the brushed motor.

Thanks Mike "thumbsup" that will help get me started. I don't have any 32p gears so I have to order some for the tool box.

Happy New Year to you both :)
The R2D does have 2 ball bearings on the main shaft. From the outside they look like they only have bushings. But they made bearing cups out of brass, and pressed them into the side plates, with bearings inserted. A great idea really, as it keeps the bearing sealed from the elements better.
Never, I am far to lazy for that.... Most of the comps I don't even have oil in my shocks as they leak over time....
Rules Committee Update

Quick progress update:
  • The molded tube chassis has passed and will be allowed in 2008.
  • The TVP made to look like a Tuber did not pass and will not be allowed in 2008
  • Unibodies have passed and will be allowed in 2008.
The exact wording on these rules is being hashed out currently.

Now then, we are on our final vote. It's about Boundary Markers (a.k.a. Out of Bounds).
Here is the proposal:

Rules Committee Forum said:
Rules on Boundary Markers.

Rules Committee Forum said:
A) Call Boundary Markers like a "GATE MARKER"
Touch it, 10 points, and its dead after that

Many clubs call it this way

b) Call Boundary Markers like a "TOUCH"
Touch it, 10 points, and move it back to previous gate cleared

Possible option thats tougher than A, but not as harsh as C

C) Touch a Boundary Marker, and your DQ'd
How it was called at National last 2 years

Opens the door for drivers to catch or touch the vehicle to avoid DQ's.(Before the "Thats Blatant Cheating" crowd starts up....Drivers were told in the drivers meeting that it was allowed)

D) No Boundary Markers

What do you guys think?
Last edited:
Another bit of official business...

Our winter meeting vote has ended. Here are the results of when and where we will hold our meeting.

Date: Sunday January 6th 2008
Time: 12:00 noon
Location: Perkins
2009 County Road D E
Maplewood, MN 55109-5313

If you have any topics you would like to see discussed please post them in HERE
1 of the topics we will be discussing at the meeting is our 2008 schedule. I have a preliminary schedule for the drag racers, and the official MN Nitro Series schedule. If there are any other schedules that we need to work around let me know. I will want a copy of their 2008 schedule if at all possible.
I say A is the answer. I do not like the BS call of going out in huge wide turns to make the next gate. I have done this myself, but only because it wasn't a penalty. I believe that a course is laid out and should be run as a course. Not a huge wide turn around here (wastes time as well) and then make the gate. I can explain this better with pen and paper at the meeting if you don't understand.

I say A is the answer. I do not like the BS call of going out in huge wide turns to make the next gate. I have done this myself, but only because it wasn't a penalty. I believe that a course is laid out and should be run as a course. Not a huge wide turn around here (wastes time as well) and then make the gate. I can explain this better with pen and paper at the meeting if you don't understand.


Just to clarify, we are not looking to use an "out of bounds" line for every course. Out of bounds has always been an option, and is typically used for only some portions of courses. Currently, touching a boundary marker is an automatic disqualification. The purpose of the vote is to see if we should change the penalty for it.