Another great comp season for MNRCRC
A big thank you to all who participated in MNRCRC's successful (IMO) 2nd competition year.
Thank you also goes out to those who helped out through the year with scoring, setting up etc "thumbsup"
It's been great to see all the new faces this year, and as I've gotten to know them, put name's/personaltys, with those faces :lol:
We've got a great group of people getting together to have some excellent competition, some "friendly banter" and just have fun with our toy trucks :lol:
It's been a blast being part of, and helping out with MNRCRC.
I look forward to another great season in 2008 "thumbsup"
Congratulations to the '07' Summer/Fall champions "thumbsup"
And again, to the Spring/Summer champions "thumbsup"
Hope to see as many as can make it? at the Howl Krawl this Sun :twisted:
I really was hoping for more input? I know we had the poll a while back but are others willing to come up or you guy's ready to hang it up for the year? or just not wanting to travel up at all?
I've been so busy with work and things this last week, I haven't had a chance to respond to the last comp results thread yet.
The Summer just flys by too damn fast :-(
I've been trying to get people interested in at least 1 weekend camping type comp going up there for the last 2 Summers, now, with you guys up there, that should be an easier thing to do with your help

A GTG to check out, get some action pic's etc of the area would be great.
Like Mike said, if time and weather permit, perhaps yet this Fall, if not? some pic's of the area, and a note to bring this up at our Winter meeting for early planning/scheduling purpose's is for sure on the menu.
There are a couple of area's up that way that we would like to check out for future comps as well.