Kevin, how did you end up with a gold star now?
Kevin, how did you end up with a gold star now?
This fall it's been pretty slow, thwe most cars the last few times I've been there is maybe 5 or 6.I would like to but the carpet season starts on the 4th so most weekends are going to be thing I worry about with Ungen tower park is every time I go there its packed with people
I'll talk to Denny tomorrow to find out about that... I haven't been there yet myself. But I do think it's pretty easy to get down there. (I'll have to ask about wheelchair accessibility.)Thanks for posting the pics Adogg. Looks great. How accessible is it?
ahhh --I know your joking but that is what I hope is not what it looks like, this will just be a way we can get a group of guy's so we can attend the comps and car pool and hopefully get on the MNRCRC schedule and with any luck spark more interest up north.i see how it is , going to undermine the mnrccrawlers and do a mn north vs south comp huh??????
just givin ya crao man , i'd be for making a duluth run some time next spring , that location looks pretty sweet
Like we had talked about guys, here are some of the shots that Denny took near the rose garden in Duluth:
I have picked the spot in the pictures because it is so easy to access for the wheelchairs, there is a path (blacktop) all the way up to the Tower. I have several 2.2 courses picked out already.With the upfront parking, it looks like access for our wheelchair members shouldn't be an issue there. I like it. "thumbsup"