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any crawlers in MN?

We have found a mistake in the scoring. At comp #2 in the 2.2 class Mike scored a +4, but when I copied the scores to the spreadsheet I wrote -6. I don't know how it happened, but Troy and I have verified it with the score sheets and +4 is the correct score. I have gone through all of the score sheets and verified everyone's scores for evey comp this series and it was the only mathematical mistake. I did find some scores out of order, but their totals were correct. I have made those changes as well. We can bring all the score sheets to the comp if anyone wants to verify. I apologize for any confusion.

Here are the corrected standings:

Kevin, that was the comp where I made the bonus gate that only a handful of others made, but it was never marked on the scoresheet. I had others verify that I did make it. That is where the score difference of 10 came from.
Holy crap, you guys made a mistake! WOoooohoooo. I am in 1st....AH ha ha ha."thumbsup"

Kevin your $ is in the mail.

Just wondering if there is pics of the comp course. I cracked my windshield today but am still considering making the trip. Just dont want to drive that far if its just rocks in a field
Thanks. My phone is just to slow for how many pages there. Guess ill have to find a real inet connection
Kevin, that was the comp where I made the bonus gate that only a handful of others made, but it was never marked on the scoresheet. I had others verify that I did make it. That is where the score difference of 10 came from.

:oops: I feel like an @$$. I forgot all about that. I will correct it now.
Yeah well, I figure I would give you all a finger. This scoring stuff is gonna change!:twisted: No more "after" the comp BS to figure out scores. We need a new way to tally and we WILL all know our scores and points BEFORE everyone leaves. I always stick around to run scalers. I will help...only with a calculator."thumbsup"

Im pretty sure i can make it. I confused taylor falls for another town about 240 miles north of me. Milage works for me now lol.

Anyone (legal) that wants to drive an '06 trailblazer with a little crack in the windshield ?. Lots of rideshare room there.
Im pretty sure i can make it. I confused taylor falls for another town about 240 miles north of me. Milage works for me now lol.

Anyone (legal) that wants to drive an '06 trailblazer with a little crack in the windshield ?. Lots of rideshare room there.
That might be a possibility, I am legal and so is silverdirt-we were planning on leaving from south Superior in my Honda Accord but if you can get to us we can take your Trailblazer if ya want, how bad is the windshield? We will be leaving fairly early in the morning, right from my house which is right on the way.
Its in the drivers vision but low on the windshield. Ive been drivin it with no problems but its been cloudy. .

Comp starts at 9? Id like to be there about. 8-8:15. Earlier the better for me.

Lmk what you guys wanna do
I would like to change to score sheets like this, charge $5 a year, or $1 per comp for those that only make 1 or 2 comps a year. This would cover printing costs, and other supplies that we pick up for the club. More clip boards, pebs, chalk, clocks, stuff like that.


Done deal. I vote for everyone. Costs a WHOLE dollar to compete. Sell some blood before you come. There you get a nap, cookie and a comp all in one day.

Its in the drivers vision but low on the windshield. Ive been drivin it with no problems but its been cloudy. .

Comp starts at 9? Id like to be there about. 8-8:15. Earlier the better for me.

Lmk what you guys wanna do
I will talk to silverdirt today but I see no issues, PM me for directions to my house-it's easy and on the way and a good starting point for the three of us to meet. I don't mind driving just got to figure on what we want to drive, I promised the wife I wouldn't spend any money this weekend on my hobbies(no golf,r/c,or motorcycles) and I'm lucky silverdirt owes me a lunch so I think the wife is cutting my allowance all together for this trip--lol.