buy your ammo in Aridzona
Already tried buying a gun there once...
But Arizona's propriators would not sell a gun to a non-resident.
tho' I was able to buy ammo there some years back.
But with the new laws imposed on California residents...
that will likely be not allowed any longer.
Besides even if it were possible...
I would become a criminal by California law
if I tried to bring ammo back into CA. from elsewhere.
Well after the 1st of the year anyways...
when this state's new law goes into effect.
My Mom used to be a long time resident of Arizona.
And she would have made a purchase for me.
Tho' not sure I would've put that burden on her.
But she recently passed away...
So I no longer have friends or family living there.
Before she passed... I was going to live there and become a resident.
But since she's passed... I no longer have a base to run to.
My only real solution is...
I need to get the hell outta this defunct liberal state.
Screw these California anti-constitutional communists.
This state has become a lost cause...
and even the NRA has given up on it.
I'm neither a Republican nor a Democommie...
But I am a Constitutional USA Patriot/Citizen.
And my voice is no longer even considered here :evil:
But good news for me...
I did in fact pick up some more ammo today...
gotta purchase all that I can afford now...
before I no longer can.
I refuse to register my current guns here
and definitely won't register here to purchase ammo.
Why no one is standing up for my Constitutional rights here...
is beyond me... I feel so abandoned by my fellow patriots
So bottom line... I gotta get the hell outta here asap.
Too bad... I really liked living here during my 36 year residency.
But this state... is no longer what it used to be :evil: