There Action Figures Hello
Girls play with Dolls
And Taco Too
~ an action figure is a doll in my world ~
last I looked, an action figure is no more animate then a gun.
And requires external manipulation and tons of film editing.
So in retrospect... it's more about filming and editing then doll play.
Now shut up and finish that project you think yer building
Very nice pictures and write ups. I think it's fun to read that stuff.
Video was good. How does it look slowed down? Maybe 1/2 speed.
If someone jams you about playing with dolls

them. Your having fun so

1. thanks
2. so try it... and you tell me !?
3. I can take some ribbing... cause IRDGAS !? Lol
I like the transitioning between figure movement(s)...
Slowing the film down more... say .5 offers more positioning detail.
and .5 still plays some erie background music !? LOL
I played with film speed and duration during editing
in order to show some sort of transition during movement.
Using ms's movie maker... is a lot of editing and a pita.
On play back... I ran it both slower and faster just to see.
Faster makes the transitions too quick...
(clip ends too quickly)
Slower speed offers a dual bonus... the clip rolls a little longer
and the details are more easily visualized.
I like the first segment where the truck shifts and rocks slightly
as Joe gets seated.
Was mostly testing just to see what the result might be.
IMO the clip is not long enough to be entertaining.
But with a crap ton more film and editing...
should be able to make a decent story line and longer film duration.
I'm sure I will re-visit this and see if I can do better ;-)
on a nother note...
just ordered an R2j SS link set for my Honcho.
Was Axial aluminum links... but are starting to deform like a bannana.
and they slide on rocks fer poo