I wanna be Dave
^ truth and thanks for your directionA dog is easier, then finding a good women and cheaper than a divorce,
It was only a suggestion, a dog is better than be alone, that was my point
I'd get a dog...
but because my yard is nothing more then a patio...
The poor thing would be living in a prison cell, like me.
But if I got a dog...
it would need be trained to poop in the toilet and flush that too 8)
^ because picking up dog poop is not my idea of fun or entertainment :???:
I would hope to train it... so it could wipe it's butt as well...
but I realize having paws is useless for that attempt !? :lmao:
Yer in love with a girl... (you say)
but she's living under lock n key... right ?
so how do you know what's for real ?
pictures of boobies proves nothing

Tho' I will wish you good luck in your future endeavor
and hope that works out for you "thumbsup"
Sorry you lost your father...
But be thankful you had the opportunity to know him.
I lost mine when I was just 19 yrs old and was in the service at the time.
Never had the chance to know the man... besides being a father.
Sadly, it's an inevitable thing... less we go first.
My Mother still lives...
but she is in bad shape and residing in an assisted living home.
Was her call...
But sadly... there weren't many other options available for her choosing.
I'm too poor to help her... and she's half outta her mind.
Her circumstance (current health status) is purdy dire.
I believe she's currently on a health decline...
but there's nothing that I or anyone can do about that

^ I do call her on occasion... send flowers...
but it's depressing when you can do nothing else...
because she lives in another state too far from me.
Sad as that may be... it is the reality of life/death.
If I might hit-win the lottery...
Would be the only way I could get outta my mess and help others.
But my guess is...
I'll be struck by lightening or become shark bait before I find my way with luck