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Thloftus’ Gravity Well H10 Optic kit


Rock Crawler
Subscribed Member
Sep 7, 2015
There are two reasons for the gravity well name.

The first is (spoiler alert!!) I received the gray livery. I like the Vanquish decals, but am thinking of trying a matte black vinyl wrap instead, partially to give vinyl wrapping a try and also since matte black finishes look awesome. In this case, gravity well refers to the appearance for black holes.

The second is my tendency to show up late for the party on new releases and / or build much slower than everyone else. In this case, the reference is to time dilation at black holes – as in time is running normally for me (near the black hole) and much faster for everyone else. Which makes it look like I’m taking forever. I ordered early and received my kit in the first round of deliveries, meaning around a month ago. So living up to delays so far, lol

Ok, now that my nonsense is out of the way, on to the build!

Here’s the parts list so far

  • Castle Mamba X speed controller, salvaged from a retired rig
  • Holmes Hobbies Puller Pro V2, 2200 kV, secured during the 50% off sale last fall
  • Holmes Hobbies BLS SHV 650 servo. I had this for a while, not sure they’re sold anymore
  • Teamknk VS410 stainless hardware kit, KNKVS41001
  • H-Tech aluminum Hydro Steering Clamp
  • H-Tech aluminum grill
  • H-Tech bump stops
  • H-Tech 16 mm circle headlights
  • H-Tech aluminum light mount
  • H-Tech aluminum Custom Front Mount, not yet here, added when I realized the light mounts wouldn’t fit correctly without it
  • 3D printed exhaust, Creality black carbon fiber filament, file from here: H10 Optic Exhaust
  • 3D printed hood, Creality black carbon fiber filament, file from here: Vanquish H10 Optic front body panel
I went sort of crazy on the H-Tech parts, but the quality and cost is great. 3D printing is still new to me. The black carbon filament consistently turns out well.

Here’s the kit on arrival. Don’t mind the table cloth, my kid likes to do crafts on the table.


The unbroken seal – always fun to open a kit for the first time!


And inside, the gray livery!


And some of the goods for the build


That’s it for now. Take care until the next one!
Nice pile of build stuffs. I'm on hold for 2 more orders to arrive. one from VP for scale bolts and hubs, and one for yurcec for my hydro link spacers. They are here, but still in Chicago area.
Nice pile of build stuffs. I'm on hold for 2 more orders to arrive. one from VP for scale bolts and hubs, and one for yurcec for my hydro link spacers. They are here, but still in Chicago area.
Nice, I’m excited to start building once I get there …
Quick update on a potential set of wheels and tires: 2.2” Pit Bull Rock Beast II on LockedUp RC Recluse with Tarantula outer rings and scale hardware. This setup may be too big as the Optic is intended to use 1.9” wheels, but I may just use them anyway. I’ve had great luck with Rock Beast tires and always liked the way they look.

This is my first set of LockedUp wheels. In keeping with gravity well behavior, I got them for my birthday in 2023 and just now unwrapped them for this build. The quality is excellent and they’re easy to assemble. I was confused by the thread pattern in the outer rings at first, but recovered eventually. Would definitely recommend LockedUp wheels to anyone.

So here’s the stack. Seems fitting to put them on the still in-tact box innards as a reminder that I’m continuing to build schedule slips – although it is nice to make these build experiences last a while. The inner wheels are black. Makes a nice 3D effect in person. Hard to capture that in the photos.

I have another even larger set of wheels / tires I may put together before moving on to the build itself.

Edit - photos in the next post window. Only option I could get to work for some reason.
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Behold Pro-Line Interco Black Mamba 2.6" Monster Truck Mud Tires on Proline Vice Crushlock wheels! The name alone is reason enough to give them a try.

I’m guessing they’ll be too large for the truck. I did use the hexes with the largest offset to increase the odds they will work. Having a set of monster truck mud tires seems like a life-must regardless. I’ve had these for a while – nice to have an excuse to mount them up.

The Vice Crushlocks were a little tricky until I realized that pushing the center piece more toward the back to ease mating with the extrusions on the inner beadlock ring makes a huge difference for getting the first few screws started. Some degree of colorful language prior to that point if I’m honest. They went together pretty quickly once I realized this trick.



This post should be it for the wheels and tires. Hopefully on to the tuck build next!
Underway with Bag A!

But then I ran into a weird problem and unfortunately didn’t get very far. Although this turned into an excuse for an upgrade. So maybe a win overall?

Here’s Bag A with the manual. Both are nicely done. It’s great that Vanquish supplies thread lock and grease. I’ve been using the chapstick version of Locktite lately. But the kit-provided tube is pretty convenient, so I’m giving it a go for now.


Parts removed from the bag (screws are off camera). The axle is super stout. Would be interested to know if any have broken. The degree of reinforcement is impressive.


And then my weird problem emerged. The third member went together great. I applied the supplied grease, snapped it into the axle housing (satisfying click) and then realized the mounting holes were mismatched. The two on the right line up, but the holes on the left go to blanks in the axle.


You can probably see this better in a zoom. Ok on the right, nowhere for the screws to go on the left.


After staring at this for a while and searching on the internet, I realized I mist have received the wrong third member in the kit. Would be excited to hear from anyone who knows where this third member belongs in the Vanquish universe.

Plastic versions of the third member don’t appear to be sold separate from the axle kits, but fear not - the Vanquish F10 aluminum version is compatible! Plus it comes with the aluminum bearing carriers. So guess what’s in the mail for me now, lol?

I checked the rear axle parts and they look fine. So my plan now is to is to use the aluminum third member on the front, the plastic one on the back, and see how they compare. I should have the aluminum front by the end of the week.

Take care until next time!
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Yep, this was a common issue with the first batch. They packaged two rear third members instead of a front and a rear. That sucks you got hit with this issue. I somehow escaped it.
Ya, a few got 2 rear 3rd members instead of a F and R.
Im not even sure if I got the right 3rd member as I bought the aluminum F10 F third Members (same for the H10) and used them. So I may have 2 as I did rear steer. I may have an extra one if you need it, unless you do what I did, and just went to metal 3rds. But I also went with Metal Housings and bought the 3rds at the same time. Didn't start building until they were delivered.
Ya, a few got 2 rear 3rd members instead of a F and R.
Im not even sure if I got the right 3rd member as I bought the aluminum F10 F third Members (same for the H10) and used them. So I may have 2 as I did rear steer. I may have an extra one if you need it, unless you do what I did, and just went to metal 3rds. But I also went with Metal Housings and bought the 3rds at the same time. Didn't start building until they were delivered.
Thank you for offering! I did go with the aluminum 3rd member but would take you up otherwise. Definitely appreciate the offer!
It was fairly common to get two front or two rear third members. I got two rears with mine.