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New guy with a question...

With Black Friday and Christmas around the corner there may be some good deals out there.
Used Redcat Ascent could be in the $150-200 range.
Check with local hobby shops for rc swap meets and used vehicles.
You need an MN82. At 1/12 scale it is slightly smaller than 1/10 but has all the features you are looking for. As an added bonus they are well under $100.
What about that cheering truck? Has anyone had any time with that one? I'm really looking for something I can eventually build into a realistic trail truck. Something that can crawler but also go fast if I want it to. I really like the looks if the wpl pickup trucks I can't remember the number of the one I really like but it's modeled after a 4 door Toyota I believe. I'll probably end up buying a wpl it just kills me cuz there not 1/10 scale. And I'd have to do alot of scratch building to get what I want.
Just some random guys opinion but you seem pretty bent on a 1/10 and in my experience throwing money at something else that you know isn't going to scratch that certain itch might be wasting your money. If there's any way that you could wait, try to build up some more funds, look for used, etc... I would do that. If size wasn't a big issue then yeah... wpl, trx4-m, etc. But I dunno.. sounds like you may wind up unsatisfied. And that's understandable. Something about 1/10 for a lot of us is just the perfect size and loads of fun. Good luck whatever you decide.

Insert Tom Petty's "The Waiting Is the Hardest Part" music here lol.
I mean I guess I'm not super stuck on size. I just know I want something bigger than the model cars I used to build which are 1/24 1/25 scale. I guess the biggest reason for wanting a 1/10 scale is that pretty much EVERY upgrade and accessories are in 1/10 scale. Am I right or am I just looking in the wrong places?

Honestly being able to customize its looks and performance is the biggest thing for me. In the end I want to build a super realistic pickup truck. My dream truck as I'll probably never be able to afford the real thing. Lol
I really really like this WPL C-64-1. I love the body style and pretty much everything about it. Only thing I'm not sure about is just how difficult it would be to add an engine and engine bay details and a full interior. Has this been done? I understand that's a hard thing to ask for since all the electronics and motor and stuff is right on the frame so i could do without the engine bay detail but would really want an interior. Does anyone make and sell these things ?
I mean I guess I'm not super stuck on size. I just know I want something bigger than the model cars I used to build which are 1/24 1/25 scale. I guess the biggest reason for wanting a 1/10 scale is that pretty much EVERY upgrade and accessories are in 1/10 scale. Am I right or am I just looking in the wrong places?
Ah.. I was under the impression that you were leaning hard into 1/10 scale.

The WPL C-64 is about 14" long / 6" wide. I dunno what the wheelbase is but just for an example, the Axial SCX24 ( Deadbolt) is about 7.5" long and a little over 3" wide so yeah... the 1/16 WPL is roughly twice the size. You're right that any big-name brand like Traxxas, Axial, Redcat, Vanquish, etc is going to have a good deal of factory and aftermarket support with models still in production. But WPL has some upgrade parts as well.

And as many "upgrades" as there are out there for just about every vehicle... a LOT of it is unnecessary so not having a ton of options isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you can get replacement factory ( wear) parts and are able to upgrade some things along the way like servos, driveshafts, gears, wheels, tires, etc. So many "upgrade" parts out there don't do anything for performance or scale appearance anyway.

If I was looking for a 1/16 scale truck right now, I wouldn't hasitate to get a WPL. Most people that have 'em seem fairly satisfied and they are certainly affordable.
you can peice together a pretty good rig for about $200 if you take your time
would take some used take off parts and will take more time to build

if you look on alliX you can find these same parts alot cheaper these are just random items i found from a quick ebay search but you get the idea

your bigest exspense is the axles and the radio and tires everything else is in the $10-$20 range

tires can get crazy exspensive but used take offs and chinese off brands are cheap

bodys are the same way ive bought many for $20 and some up to $200
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I’ll make one more recommendation as you have posted a few times about different trucks in various sizes and kinda flip flopped on a few things. One thing you are consistent on is the about price and that’s a motivating factor.

Basing off the OG AX/SCX10, RGT and HSP crawlers are available in your 1/10 scale. They are also rebranded and use compatible parts in the axles and use a standard 3gear trans. Parts are available mostly through online vendors, but so is most of our other things. A good value for the money coming in around $150.
May be hard to find, but if you're set on a kit. and want to get 'detailed' you could look around and find an SSD Trail King Kit. This is a slider kit so has no wheels, no body with it, so you can choose those. They do have a scale Single Speed transmission, and a 'scale' engine that will fit over the electric motor that mounts to the scale tranny.

Here is a link to my "RedNeck Blazer" pictures on my imgbb account. I have put quite a few upgrades and used pretty high end electronics when I built it. Still not finished, have lots to do. been not working on it for thelast few years.

I went with the RC4WD Blazer body (licensed from chevy) which when put on the SSD TK Chassis, appears like some Redneck took a mid 70s Blazer, and put it on a 2500HD Silverado frame/dt.

You can do a lot with these bodies, including full interiors, engine bays etc. Which is where I'll end up with this at some point.
Man I'm so freaking confused about this now. I have so many options. To many really. I wouldn't mind paying a bit more if it's something I really like. I'm just afraid that I buy something and end up not being able to do what I want with it. I mean it wouldn't be a waste of money because I would still learn how to operate it and everything. I'm just really into being able to customize and tinker with it. It would be just my luck that I find something new or used and pull tye trigger on it and end up paying around 200$ to have it shipped to me and end up not being able to customize it and make it my own.

Anyways since I really like the looks and affordability of the WPL c24 and c64, I think I'm just going to start out with buying one of them. Hopefully I can find the c64 as it's one of my dream trucks. 90s Toyota pickup 4 door. I don't think they offer them in kit form but like someone else said, just take the whole thing apart and put it back together.

As I order the truck I've heard that I should find better axels and tires for it. Also I'd like to find a 2 speed transmission. Oh and I heard the electronics are trash so idk what I should get but I'll just have to do some searching.

Has any heard of or has ran a 1/10 scale Element RC Enduro Trailrunner? Amainhobbies.com has it on sale right now for $275.00 and while supplies last there including a Element RC Enduro24 Sendero 1/24 4WD RTR Scale Mini Trail Truck for ******* FREE!!!

Only problem is I definitely don't have 300$ to spend on this right now. But getting 2 trucks for the price of one is crazy. Although I've never heard of Element RC but the truck looks freaking fabulous!!! I really wish I wasn't a broke ass cuz this just seems like to good to be true!
I have been in the spot you are in with the funds. So I most definitely understand where you’re at. In the end I picked a rig and some upgrades and I waited and saved. Because of having such a tight RC budget I chose durability of a rig over everything else. Getting into the hobby is expensive but once you’re in (if you can control yourself) it’s nickel and dime from there. Rig, batteries, charger and some upgrades $500-$600 is what you’re looking at to start. Save your money. Buy a good rig and have fun with it. If you buy a cheap off brand rig you will end up putting more time and money into it trying to get it caught up to a known brand rig that will do good for you out of the box. Trx-4, 10-2 or enduro are the 3 that I suggest. It’s a tough pill to swallow but in the end you’ll be happy with your purchase and not sitting there looking at a rig that keeps breaking. Don’t be so concerned with what the rig looks like. Looks can be changed. Durability and performance are the better things to go for on a tight budget.
you can peice together a pretty good rig for about $200 if you take your time
would take some used take off parts and will take more time to build

if you look on alliX you can find these same parts alot cheaper these are just random items i found from a quick ebay search but you get the idea

your bigest exspense is the axles and the radio and tires everything else is in the $10-$20 range

tires can get crazy exspensive but used take offs and chinese off brands are cheap

bodys are the same way ive bought many for $20 and some up to $200
Do you have an experience with those axles? They look nice.

I wouldn't go with a 3D printed skid though.


Has any heard of or has ran a 1/10 scale Element RC Enduro Trailrunner? Amainhobbies.com has it on sale right now for $275.00 and while supplies last there including a Element RC Enduro24 Sendero 1/24 4WD RTR Scale Mini Trail Truck for ******* FREE!!!

Only problem is I definitely don't have 300$ to spend on this right now. But getting 2 trucks for the price of one is crazy. Although I've never heard of Element RC but the truck looks freaking fabulous!!! I really wish I wasn't a broke ass cuz this just seems like to good to be true!
Are you reading the responses? I suggested the Element Trailrunner on your Redcat thread. Element is a reputable brand owned by Team Associated.

I am not seeing this free 1/24th deal, but that is a good deal if you have interest in the Element 1/24th scale. The Axial SCX24 is the standard in the realm.
Do you have an experience with those axles? They look nice.

i havent tryed them yet or any of the ar45 axles for that matter but i would imagine there on par with the other cheap chinese axles so the axle shafts and gear set probably arent the strongest but replacements are extremely cheap and cheap chinese crap has gotten alot better
its still hard to build a set for those prices even after upgrading the shafts and gears to other cheap chinese gears and shafts lol

Has any heard of or has ran a 1/10 scale Element RC Enduro Trailrunner? Amainhobbies.com has it on sale right now for $275.00 and while supplies last there including a Element RC Enduro24 Sendero 1/24 4WD RTR Scale Mini Trail Truck for ******* FREE!!!

Only problem is I definitely don't have 300$ to spend on this right now. But getting 2 trucks for the price of one is crazy. Although I've never heard of Element RC but the truck looks freaking fabulous!!! I really wish I wasn't a broke ass cuz this just seems like to good to be true!
get the wpl to see if you like going slow dont spend alot on upgrades on that platform when the time comes take the body off the chassis and dump the wpl running gear and frame and swap it out for domething better my choice would be trx4m or assent18 parts

heres the thing with our crawlers there all basicly the same
ladder frames
4wd with a center mounted transmission of somesort
and sticky tires
the frame used dosent matter much
the axles used dont matter much
the transmission dosent matter much
all the major components are pretty much interchangeable
i have a trx4 frame with wraith transmission and skid plate with redcat axles

i have a rig with ryft axles a scx10 frame and a wraith transmission and skid sitting on leaf springs
i have a redcat chassis on trx4 axles

so traxxaassss axial redcat element are all badicly the same and with some work the parts interchange

from everything ive read i belive that the trx4 is your best bet for a base
there 2 speed is pretty good they will go fast with out eating them selfs and can still crawl and all the aftermarket to build it anyway you like

you can ether buy 1 new used or peice meal one together thats my preferred method of getting new rigs lol
the wpl will be a good blueprint for the custom build but not worth upgrading the wpl stuff
Wpl is fun to work on I built up one for my son the body is nice but they don’t compare to the big name stuff as far as durability and performance. His sits mainly on the shelf while the axials 1/24 get used all the time. I will say they are fun to tinker with but I think your money is better spent elsewhere.
Solid advice as always from you guys! I'd look for a used SCX10 Base Camp/TRX4/Element/Redcat here in the classifieds or on Ebay. Just read the description well, research the seller history/profile/reviews and you'll get a good idea of what/who you're dealing with. Good deals can be found!

No bias in those suggestions as listed. Whatever you buy you can't go wrong breaking it down and seeing what's doing before running, even if it's "brand" spanking new. I run an OG SCX10 and ECX Barrage for reference and am def more of a replace/upgrade as needed type.

Holiday sales are coming as well. You should be able to find a RTR or kit deal(builders/ARTR) for 200-300 brand new. I'd say buy sooner than later as prices will be rising given the new market landscape but hopefully I'm wrong. Good luck and I look forward to following your builds!