Rock Crawler
So a WP1060/AE2/AE5 can't handle much bigger than my bargain servo with its 2a bec, but the WP860/WP1080's 3a bec can easily handle it with 1.4a to spare. It can't quite run 2 of them though. But can it handle one 2290sg? Knowing the stall current could really help the budget minded choose wisely, afterall, if they're looking to buy a cheap servo, they probably don't want to pony up for an external bec if they don't absolutely need it. Nobody wants to find out the hard way by burning their equipment up either.
I found these BECs on ebay for only a few bucks apiece. I'm wondering if these could be a cheap way to supplement the ESC's BEC output in a situation like the above. For example, lets say you're running lights and a front steering servo on the ESC's BEC, which has it maxed out. Then you add a rear steering servo that is powered separately by the cheapo external BEC. Would this work?