Rock Crawler
Had a project come my way. Needed to replicate a bumper, but in another color. So I designed the piece in my software, then printed it.
White piece is the original, black is PLA+ 3d printed plastic. The two black bumpers are the finished product. One was a test piece that came out terrible. Changed the print orientation and it came out great!
This was a really nice learning experience. I haven't had the need to replicate a piece before really. The keen may observe that it's not a 100% replica. I felt a solid piece would be stronger in the material. It's actually the same weight, give or take, as the original. I also changed some of the rear facing angles for ease of printing. This took me a few hours of work.
I was considering using a photo stitching program to 3d render the bumper, but I haven't gone down that rabbit hole yet. Someone wants me to design a motorcycle fender 1:1, so that'll be interesting!
White piece is the original, black is PLA+ 3d printed plastic. The two black bumpers are the finished product. One was a test piece that came out terrible. Changed the print orientation and it came out great!
This was a really nice learning experience. I haven't had the need to replicate a piece before really. The keen may observe that it's not a 100% replica. I felt a solid piece would be stronger in the material. It's actually the same weight, give or take, as the original. I also changed some of the rear facing angles for ease of printing. This took me a few hours of work.
I was considering using a photo stitching program to 3d render the bumper, but I haven't gone down that rabbit hole yet. Someone wants me to design a motorcycle fender 1:1, so that'll be interesting!