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VP H10 Optic Build takes its DeVirgining Spin.


RCC Addict
Jun 29, 2008
Hope you enjoy the kind of bad video. Phone wasn't fond of the cold so it was a bit jumpy, or the signal was meh.
And I don't always have the greatest framing, Need to work on that.
But wanted to get a run in while we have a decent spot of sun coming through and it was my first run off the bench to put her through some paces.

Hit the like button if you would, and subscribe and I'll sub back.

Any any rate, she was a fun run and a great build which I'll be detailing. Most of it was on youtube live so you can always check those out. Didn't get A LOT of static pics along the way so will try to pull some out of the vids for build points when I make a thread up.

Now to hurry up n wait for the H10 Origin to show up.

First Run and she was Fun.. lol

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