The Stage 2 upgrade is almost complete, still have to modify the shocks and the steering upgrades.
I just found this thread! I am on rccrawler about every day, but never really checked the get together section because I was tired of only reading about those left coasters. Good to see all this happening locally! I have been into rc's pretty much since the Frog era, but I am almost done with my first crawler. All I need is servos and batterys. I will post more info on my rig soon. I am keeping an eye out for the Get togethers in Great Falls! I am in!
ps. RUDEZUK: Would be glad to stop by and lend a hand sometime with the tracks. I lived in Manassas for a few years and am now in Gainesville/Haymarket
anybody up for Pony Pasture this coming weekend? I have my new 1.9 running and need to go try it out.