Rock Crawler
Glad I found this thread, was looking at getting the wr8, but kinda hate hpi after I got my cupracer built, so overly complicated,lookalikey I be getting a drx soon....
i just had the thought that i cant be the only one wanting a ford escort rs1800 body for this car.
1st of all ... Great thread... most complete information for ONE specific
car i'v read so far...even better my VE will be here in 2 weeks...:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Quick questions.. Since it takes a few weeks to get parts, I will probably get some extras in case something breaks ..I hate waiting... Are there a few parts that we should not be without.. control arms, steering parts....?
Are there aftermarket parts that are available from other companies, like RPM, Proline, AKA....?
What tires do you mostly use.. after the originals are finished?
Do you run the same tires if your running a road only course?
Thats it for now... Im sure i'l have mucu much more to come...
why did i have to look in here..."thumbsup"
Would you have the part # for the stub shafts.... cant seem to find them
"thumbsup"RPMJ and I went and drove another back yard track today. Really fun and a nice thick layer silt on top of the dirt made sliding every corner really fun.
Thanks again Paul your track is turning out awesome. "thumbsup"
Man I love your looking at pics of your car. I'm trying to be wise and hold off till I hear the reviews of the HPI, but man its hard. I want one of them in my hands NOW after I look at your pics. Just can't decide which one.:x
Guess this will not work
Hey Ty, I read in the beginning of this thread you were using 2S lipos. Are you still using 2S? Have you tried 3S? What do you recommend?
I thought you ran 6s ??
Do you have any shots of the Stratos mounted?
... I could run 4 cell in it, but I don't think it needs it.
I only used 2 cell lipo with the Traxxas BL motor. Once I went to the CC 2400kv system I have been using 3 cell 5000mah batteries.
On another note I swapped out the bearings I blew out, I also noticed my center diff leaking, I pulled it out to notice the screws had backed out a little and caused the leak. I went ahead and put a new center diff in with a new gasket with 7,000 weight oil. The old center weight oil was 10,000. Hope to do a test run in the next day or two and see if I can tell the difference.