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south central wi 2014 crawling schedule

Hi guys, iwas just wondering where you guys were crawling. I'll be in Madison tomorrow.

EDIT: Devil's Lake?
What time?
I'm leaving Chicago early morning and would have to drop the girlfriend off in Madison.
I'd much rather meet up with you guys than see the friends baby!
Pewitts nest is easy to find if you google it. There is 1 trail leading back and it would be quite obvious where everyone is once you get in there. About 100 yard walk at most to the hill
If there is one thing I learned on here this summer its very difficult to get set times and people actually show up. My baby sitter will be here at 9:30. I'm going to bead straight to devils lake for about an hr to scout out a different area off the north shore below the east bluff. Then head to pewitts around 10:30 give or take. The 2 are only about 10 minutes apart at most.

I am going to put it out there and say I'll be back to devils lake between 12:30-1:00. I'll be in the north shore parking lot in one of the lots near the east bluff. White pt cruiser(unfortunately). Yes the one mike is making fun of.
I was referring to your 2wd pickup truck:roll:

Your bashing the PT cruiser when your driving a neon?:lmao:
the 2wd trk was only 2wd for 3 days. it's all that dodge power that made that axle blow up like that in the first place. 2cd, bashing people who rip on dodge's that drive one is almost as fun as driving my hot rod neon "thumbsup"

back to topic...
I had to get some parts at rcp last nite and met 2 more coming (newbies) from the dells. should be a good time.
pewits parking lot is a little small. carpooling from walmart mite be an option only 2 miles away. don't think alot of hikers will be there today but with snow in the forcast it may be busy.

anybody needs help finding there way can call me. 608-215-0236 name is mike
Hey guys, can I meet you at Pewitts nest at 12:45?
Will you be there for a while before going to Devil's Lake?
guna b there for awhile. not sure how long. couple of us talked about having 2 batteries along. when the first one is dead then going to devils lake. so couple hrs at peewees for sure
Well just got home and can say had a lot of fun my truck was giving me issues I need a new trans case but it drove out
yep. I had fun too. we got seperated trying that different trail and lost some time but still a good day. switched my battery after peewits and left in the other one in the car. had to carry my trk off the hill but nothing broke. made it till almost dark
SURE just as I get a scale truck and jonsing to do some crawling at pewit I see you guys already went :( anyone want to meet someplace and do some crawling next weekend????
Well I feel like an ass. I took a quick run into a new trail yesterday before pewitts nest, just ran in a ways and back out in a hurry. I saw something I really liked and thought would be fun and challenging. I did not think things through well at all. If I had taken my rig in with me I would have realized the leaves were way too much, and then the trail just dead ended at the point that I thought it was going to turn into something more. I didn't go far enough exploring.
5 of us made it to the end of the trail and were left with a decision, up or back. Well we took the hard way. Up over boulders, jumping cracks, trying not to die. Stupidly thinking, its not much further, we got to a point and realized, its a lot further. We all made it up safe thankfully.

I just want to apologize to everyone for taking away from any other experiences we may have lost out on because I didn't take the proper time to scout things out the right way.

On a side note, it was really good meeting all the new people. Hopefully we can keep in touch and keep things going. I don't expect too much more this year anymore, but I'm looking forward to the spring already. After snowmelt and the water levels go down, we need to do hemlock draw and baxters hollow before the weeds take things over. Any way, till next time.....