JPH Racing
RCC Addict
Just got word that Freddie and Keith will be crawling under the 101 on Sat and Sun, about 2:00pm. Anyone wanting to join them is welcome!
This place does exist! Really! ;-)Just let me know when and I'll show you around.Chris: Your pics make the Miwok spot look sweet! I guess I'm gonna have to meet you out there one day and have you give me a tour!
This place does exist! Really! ;-)Just let me know when and I'll show you around.
which spot do you prefer? just from those pictures it looks like miwok would wok!
Chris I went there got pass the bridge and did not see any thing good so i left but your pic. show a lot more than you can see from there. going out there tom. gonna go all the way down to the beach... "thumbsup""thumbsup"
man that place on the beach looks epic... some one is going to have to meet me somewhere and take me to the spot. 2 hour drive but that looks way worth it!