This is a catch-up to get back to where I'm currently at. (AKA behind schedule)
Another order from the guys at RPPHobby. They really do make it too easy to get what I need. I've started to find myself browsing for crap I don't even need / want. :roll:
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Well, the styrene I ordered is too thick to use a heat gun and mold it to the hood. (Doh!) Melted my wiper arms in the process. Should've waited before glue'ing them on. Ah well, can fix that later.
I bought a Tractor Supply tool box off another board member. Can't use it, the lower wrecker arms are too close together to put it where I want. Might say f-it and put it under the hood as an electronics box.
I'm really disappointed with the ZAP adhesive. It's too brittle, and snaps off easily. :evil: Because of this it's delayed my plans a bit. Re-doing my bed work tonight and likely for the next few nights.
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So on a brighter note, I've spoken with a couple board members about getting some work done. I think you'll like what's coming. As soon as I finish the body work the chassis & body be sent off to one, then the next. I won't mention who (unless they want it known), but they'll both be at Axialfest this year. :mrgreen: Should explain why I'm frustrated about the adhesive.
I went ahead and made another order to RPP to pick up a KMS K2 Winch & HeyOK Controller. Wanted to buy one of the Tziworld Beefy Winches, but his site's down. Got the 480 oz version, should be plenty strong to bend my wrecker boom with. :mrgreen:
I've also got a couple packages coming from different board members. Some nice detail touches (Only hint I'm giving till they arrive! :twisted

Should help make the truck look meaner, and more used.
Got some other goodies as well. First one is practical, considering how many times I've almost broken those sideview mirrors off just working on it. Got some of the RC4WD Rubber mirrors. Haven't installed them yet.
One thing I'm excited about is this:
I've got one in my hand at this very moment. 8) Already wired it up, and tuned the sound to my liking too! Made it sound like a six cylinder diesel.

I opted for a 3W 20mm 8 Ohm Sub Miniature Loudspeaker. Tiny little bugger, but it sounds good. Major plus is that it's small enough to hide anywhere, and the sound isn't overly loud enough to be annoying.
Edit: Almost forgot! I finally got the Integy Lipo Voltage Meter / Alarm I ordered from Amazon. Cheap insurance for $3