Quarry Creeper
I've been in the RC hobby since the mid-90s, or as the smart-a** kids these days says, the "late 1900s." I've tried several times to say I'm done building and will just be a casual hobbyist, get an inexpensive RTR kit every once in a while, and then flip it on FB Marketplace.
My 11 y.o. recently dragged me out of RC retirement since he wanted to start flying airplanes. This was back in October, 2024. We now belong to a local RC flying club, and with that, the group of members that frequently clear out their inventory to make room for the latest and greatest. Most of the time, it's aircraft related, but last weekend, we were gifted the following:

Original AX-10 Kit version, with the green links, metal pivot balls, and metal nylock nuts. In this picture, my son has already done quite a bit of cleanup and started a mockup for a monster truck conversion.
The rig already had Hot Racing alloy rear axle lockouts, c-hubs, steering knuckles, and shocks. The following is what we've added in addition so far:
-Duratrax Munition wheel/tire set
-Hot Racing 15mm axle extenders
-generic Vanquish style 3-gear metal transmission
-generic hardened steel driveshafts
This is a quick and dirty build that is mostly to introduce my son into working on his own, so while the overall performance is nothing to write home about, he'll be learning basic mechanical skills working on this by himself.
My 11 y.o. recently dragged me out of RC retirement since he wanted to start flying airplanes. This was back in October, 2024. We now belong to a local RC flying club, and with that, the group of members that frequently clear out their inventory to make room for the latest and greatest. Most of the time, it's aircraft related, but last weekend, we were gifted the following:

Original AX-10 Kit version, with the green links, metal pivot balls, and metal nylock nuts. In this picture, my son has already done quite a bit of cleanup and started a mockup for a monster truck conversion.
The rig already had Hot Racing alloy rear axle lockouts, c-hubs, steering knuckles, and shocks. The following is what we've added in addition so far:
-Duratrax Munition wheel/tire set
-Hot Racing 15mm axle extenders
-generic Vanquish style 3-gear metal transmission
-generic hardened steel driveshafts
This is a quick and dirty build that is mostly to introduce my son into working on his own, so while the overall performance is nothing to write home about, he'll be learning basic mechanical skills working on this by himself.
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