Cool, good info on technique etc here: Welding How-To's
A lot of the control comes from learning the wire speed, distance from work, and arc amps setting for what you're working on. The labels on the box are good guide, but you'll find that often varying one or both slightly results in much better weld!
I try to wear helmet of course, long sleeves, and gloves even a little welding exposes you to a LOT of very bright light! I've gotten welding light burn several times...not good. I have a leather jacket with removal lower front portion that has come in very handy, the long sleeve shirts I use sometimes for a "quick" bead look like they've been left out in the sun 24/7 for couple years, they are significantly faded. Regular fabric does not provide nearly as much arc protectioin as even a cheap leather jacket.
Thanks for all the info nate! Looks like i got some studying to do. Along with trail and error'n ha.