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Rant Thread

People that mistake kindness for weakness. I'm fairly soft spoken, and try really hard to treat people with respect, and treat them how I'd want to be treated if I were in their shoes. But the problem that I've noticed, eventually, people just assume because you're soft spoken and kind, that you're weak and start taking advantage of you. Well, I've got a news flash for some people in my life. They've had the kind, nice guy for a good long while that they assumed was weak, but they're about to get a big reality check.
People around me are going to be getting one too, especially "friends" that really only interact for their own benefit, and then when I need something, they're always busy or never there. There's one that owes me money, but I know I'm never going to see it again...
People around me are going to be getting one too, especially "friends" that really only interact for their own benefit, and then when I need something, they're always busy or never there. There's one that owes me money, but I know I'm never going to see it again...

I only loan money to the "friends" I don't want to come around anymore...after I loan them money, they start avoiding me....works perfect!"thumbsup"
I live in a city with a lot of one way streets. I find it sad that I have to look both ways when I intersect with one of these streets because you never know when some moron is coming the wrong way down one of these streets. I guess the "DO NOT ENTER" sign, the cars parked on the street all facing you or the all the street signs with their backs facing you didn't tip you off... :roll:
I'm near Wheaton, IL and there's a bunch of one way streets down town there. Thought is was annoying to irritating, then with how Wheaton College acted after their little football player kidnapping and sodomy scandal last year, I realized the one way streets just made circling the wagons that much easier..............
I live in a city with a lot of one way streets. I find it sad that I have to look both ways when I intersect with one of these streets because you never know when some moron is coming the wrong way down one of these streets. I guess the "DO NOT ENTER" sign, the cars parked on the street all facing you or the all the street signs with their backs facing you didn't tip you off... :roll:

You can't fix stupid
I don't even trust people using turn signals anymore. If I'm at a stop-sign waiting to turn right and someone's coming from the left with their turn-signal on, I'll wait till they start to actually turn left before I'll proceed.
I don't even trust people using turn signals anymore. If I'm at a stop-sign waiting to turn right and someone's coming from the left with their turn-signal on, I'll wait till they start to actually turn left before I'll proceed.

Most people don't use turn signals consistently. You surely can't trust them. The same ****s yield at stop signs and stop at yield signs. WTF?!
Yep! The same brain-dead mentality of these people that are stopped at a stop-sign seemingly forever ( and usually face-planted in their cellphone). You finally have to honk at 'em to wake 'em up... Then sure as can be, they just crawl up to the next intersection, and low and behold... blow the next stop-sign altogether! Seriously... drive coherently or just pull over until you're ready!
No one way streets out here in the "country", but the DOT thought it was a good idea to put in a roundabout. Yes sir, 1/4 mile up the road, a roundabout.:flipoff:
So now we get every truck pouring the coals to it, coming down, to throw on the Jake at our driveway. (BRRRT, BRRRT!!!)
Then every Harley coming out of the roundy gassing on it in the middle of the night.. Don't get me wrong, I like the sound of straits on anything, but who in the hell are you going to impress out here with your loud pipes, especially in the middle of the night?:roll:
So in the warm months, it's nice to open the windows, enjoy the night breezes, and the night sounds. Yeah, well I guess those days are gone too...:x
I don't even trust people using turn signals anymore. If I'm at a stop-sign waiting to turn right and someone's coming from the left with their turn-signal on, I'll wait till they start to actually turn left before I'll proceed.

I'm in the process of teaching my step-daughter how to drive. I tell her the same thing: "Wait until the person actually commits to the turn before you decide to enter the intersection."

Back to my one-way street rant, I also tell her to look both ways at intersections with one-way streets as well.
No one way streets out here in the "country", but the DOT thought it was a good idea to put in a roundabout. Yes sir, 1/4 mile up the road, a roundabout.:flipoff:
So now we get every truck pouring the coals to it, coming down, to throw on the Jake at our driveway. (BRRRT, BRRRT!!!)
Then every Harley coming out of the roundy gassing on it in the middle of the night.. Don't get me wrong, I like the sound of straits on anything, but who in the hell are you going to impress out here with your loud pipes, especially in the middle of the night?:roll:
So in the warm months, it's nice to open the windows, enjoy the night breezes, and the night sounds. Yeah, well I guess those days are gone too...:x

Roundabouts are retarded and should be outlawed. People have lost intelligence and all common sense. They simply can't use roundabouts properly when the average person can't even yield onto a highway properly.
Around here they've decided that "X" ramps were a good idea. A combined on/off ramp for intersecting highways. So now, in a place where most people never learned how to merge, or forgot, and will hit brakes while still out on the highway to enter the 1/4 mile-long off ramp, you have vehicles exiting and entering highways using the same lane.

Who in the wide, wide world of sports thought this was intelligent?
We actually have a weird setup due to when/where our town was founded. The old original part of main street is one way, but merges back into two way traffic at each end of the old part of town. It mostly works OK other than the aforementioned parking issues. It wasn't designed when we had trucks that were 34ft long. I've met plenty of people going the wrong way, including one couple on a Harley that I intentionally sat still and made pull off so I could roll jup next to them and roll my window down and tell them they were about to get killed. I've even had somebody going the wrong way down a four lane highway at night here. Luckily I was in the intersection crossing.

Roundabouts are actually a Godsend here believe it or not. There is some stupid law that prevents red lights from being placed within a certain distance of each other. Problem is, once again, old town that didn't have the amount of traffic it does now when it was founded. So now, we have busy intersections within 1,000ft of each other, and they'll only put a red light at one of them. The two by my place are both getting roundabouts, and I'm all for it. Is it as good as red lights? No, but it will be a lot better than it is now. And people actually took to them a lot better than I thought they would, no issues at all here really.
Another track closed down in michigan.. Better not be because of the penny pinchin state.

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Another track closed down in michigan.. Better not be because of the penny pinchin state.

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

They're probably building a housing development on our around it. People move close to tracks and then complain they're loud. Idiots.

How about slackers at work that kiss ass and get ahead while the hard workers, busting their asses get shit on? :evil:
Roundabouts are retarded and should be outlawed. People have lost intelligence and all common sense. They simply can't use roundabouts properly when the average person can't even yield onto a highway properly.

Well you already said it, the problem isn't the roundabout, but obviously the driver. If every driver had common sense then all stop signs should just be yield signs anyways, so to me a roundabout is an extension of that while requiring you to just slow down a bit rather than having to come to a complete stop (if you want to legally pass it anyways).
Well you already said it, the problem isn't the roundabout, but obviously the driver. If every driver had common sense then all stop signs should just be yield signs anyways, so to me a roundabout is an extension of that while requiring you to just slow down a bit rather than having to come to a complete stop (if you want to legally pass it anyways).

:oops: I thought that was a different thread.

Ah if common sense and respect came back. In a perfect world, right?
My GF says I'd be bored to death in a perfect world because there wouldn't be anything for me to go on rants about...she may be right...

I do believe a large number of other people exist only for my entertainment or to hone my anger management skills.
why is it so hard to find a decent woman in my city!
im 27 and ready to settle down and have kids, but all im finding are women who are done having kids or dont want them! im a decent looking guy and im not trying for out of my league type women, im not dumb lol. but jeez give a guy a chance.
everything is a f**king game these days, i cant seem to do anything right.
i guess what bugs me the most is that ive achieved every goal ive set in my life so far and having no control over finding a woman for marriage and children hurts. not only am i dealing with that on my own, i have to deal with family looking at me and asking if im gay or why havent i had kids yet at family get togethers etc.
if they only knew that my cousin trapped her current husband by telling him she was on birth control or my other cousin who is marrying his baby mama cuz its cheaper to keep'er or the infidelity that goes on! but God forbid i want to do things "right" by courting a woman and building a life together so on and so forth.
i try to keep my head up and stay positive but sometimes its hard!
why is it so hard to find a decent woman in my city!
im 27 and ready to settle down and have kids, but all im finding are women who are done having kids or dont want them! im a decent looking guy and im not trying for out of my league type women, im not dumb lol. but jeez give a guy a chance.
everything is a f**king game these days, i cant seem to do anything right.
i guess what bugs me the most is that ive achieved every goal ive set in my life so far and having no control over finding a woman for marriage and children hurts. not only am i dealing with that on my own, i have to deal with family looking at me and asking if im gay or why havent i had kids yet at family get togethers etc.
if they only knew that my cousin trapped her current husband by telling him she was on birth control or my other cousin who is marrying his baby mama cuz its cheaper to keep'er or the infidelity that goes on! but God forbid i want to do things "right" by courting a woman and building a life together so on and so forth.
i try to keep my head up and stay positive but sometimes its hard!

Most relationships and marriages aren't all they're cracked up to be. You will find very few people in long term marriages that are happy. Lots of content marriages, but few happy ones.

Most women are crazy and, despite what they say, they don't want a nice guy. Be nice and get run all over. Be a dick and they flock to you. Just hope you get one of the sane ones. The facts of life...