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Rant Thread

> Claiming out ( throwing away) hundreds of dollars worth of dairy, meat, produce, and frozen food every month because people are too lazy and inconsiderate to put the items back. So... onto the shelf or floor it goes... to sit, and thaw, and spoil, and become inedible.

This one chaps my a$$ the most and infuriates me when I see items like this wasted at the grocery store. And really chaps me good when it's steak or something I would gladly eat.

Back in 2013, the EBT/welfare card had a glitch granting unlimited spending. Many degenerates in Louisiana emptied the shelves and filled multiple shopping carts up with food. There were small riots and mass panic to get into the local Walmarts to use up all of Uncle Sam's money. The lines to check out were football fields long. BUT, the glitch was fixed and majority of those filled to the brim shopping carts were abandoned for the store to deal with. Majority of that food was wasted but more importantly paying customers had to deal with empty shelves for quite a while.
This one chaps my a$$ the most and infuriates me when I see items like this wasted at the grocery store. And really chaps me good when it's steak or something I would gladly eat.

Back in 2013, the EBT/welfare card had a glitch granting unlimited spending. Many degenerates in Louisiana emptied the shelves and filled multiple shopping carts up with food. There were small riots and mass panic to get into the local Walmarts to use up all of Uncle Sam's money. The lines to check out were football fields long. BUT, the glitch was fixed and majority of those filled to the brim shopping carts were abandoned for the store to deal with. Majority of that food was wasted but more importantly paying customers had to deal with empty shelves for quite a while.

I never ( as a child, teen, even into my 20's) never never thought that I would one day witness such absolute lack of character and conscience as what I'm seeing over the last idk 15-20 years. I know why... so it's not as if I'm truly surprised but it still just occasionally blows my mind how so many people possess absolutely no sense of integrity... none. Gallons of milk, yogurt, frozen dinners, steaks, chops, chicken... endless amounts discarded, just because these horrible excuses for human beings slither through life unaccountable for their actions.
And, it's not even a generational thing. We, as a whole society have become more selfish. More often than not, I've seen people my parents' age (70s) act like DBs in public just as often as the "younger generation".
I don't know about you guys, but I love going to work and getting rode like a rented mule by my boss and pseudo-superior that is only where he is because he keeps the owner's knob polished.
Your OP rant sounds like most small companies that I've worked at. Owners are know-it-alls that run a profitable business, but with some help it could be a lot more efficient therefore making even more money. Ego maniacs don't like input. Sounds like a similar situation that I'm in now.

This is why, when I interview, I ask if the owners are involved in running the place. If they are I pass on the job. I forgot to do that this time around, but the name of the company didn't match the name of the people running the show so I thought the owners were out of the business. Not true.

For most of my career I've swung towards the smaller owner/operator shops. I don't like the corporate atmosphere at all. Usually it's the owner/operator that does the interviewing, so I can usually tell whether or not they are a douche right off the bat. So far they've all turned out to be great places to work, with only one exception. That guy turned out to be way more than a douche.

NRA membership is exploding ATM.

That may be, but I don't blame unrelated companies from divesting themselves from what has become a highly toxic and increasingly political debate, and the NRA is fueling the fire. Their political influence is disturbingly high, especially in Florida. To go against the NRA there, even just a little bit, is like slitting your own throat.
I totally think I work in the same shop as duuuuuuuude, or a clone of it. I have been at my job going on 23 years. In my profession the area I live in has very limited jobs. I am probably the most qualified person in the shop but get stuck teaching people he hires or moves within the company how to do their jobs that they dont want to do. Sometimes he just wont fire someone when he should. One guy has sabotaged almost every new job we put him in. If he doesnt like the job he will do poorly at or break the machine, 300,000 dollar machines. Now we give this guy his own area in the shop to do who knows what. I hate having my hands tied in situations like this. The other thing that will happen is the owner will make knee jerk decisions instead of investigating what realy happened. So I have to give him my ideas only to have him turn them down and come back 2 months later with the same idea that he just miaculously came up with. I just want to be recognized for my worth and wealth of information, wich I am more than happy to pass on. Just sayin:lmao:
My second job is probably my biggest rant. I work with the most worthless manager I think I've ever seen. He plays on his phone more than he does anything else. He also takes more smoke breaks then I can count on my hands and toes all together and his smoke breaks last anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes and this is not including his lunch that he takes an hour to do to do everyday . And when he does help any customers he sells half of them the wrong stuff. Then he sits there and complains about how everybody else screws up and doesn't do things right when if it wasn't for all of us he'd be up the creek without any paddles. And then I get sick of hearing the same story over and over every morning about how he's going to make it rich and he's going to go into real estate and rental properties. And the problem is if you complain to his boss and higher up the chain it just gets swept under the rug
IKR, today I told my boss “hey dude, we need this thing to be more productive” and he said “dude, you are so right, I’ll get that thing right away cuz I value your opinions man” and I was like “thanks dude” but I was really kinda pissed that he didn’t already know that so I spent the afternoon moving my retirement money around and then I totally forgot how pissed I was when he gave me the thing and said I was awesome for thinking of it.....what an ordeal...

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Not me dealing with them luckily but Dish """"Support"""" is such a joke.

1. Call Dish Support, 1 hour on phone doing troubleshooting just to confirm that the Dish receiver is bad (skipping several seconds of TV, freezes, etc.)
2. Dish will send a technician out to troubleshoot, leave specific note with support detailing them to bring another unit to replace current one.
3. Next day, technician supposed to come out and is supposed to call beforehand when he's on the way. Never calls. Person has to be home between 1-4 to wait for them. Dish's provided "GPS tracking" for technician doesn't work at all.
4. Technician arrives at random hour and performs the SAME exact troubleshooting that phone technician did, says "I don't know everything looks fine" and then tries to leave after 15 minutes. Didn't bring a replacement unit, so Person forces them to call and say unit is bad so they can get a replacement.

I just can't figure out how these companies even operate sometimes and I feel like "technician" is an overstatement for some job positions. An issue that could have been resolved in one phone call is instead turned into a 2 day event. It's just mind boggling to think that it's even called "support" at that point.
For most of my career I've swung towards the smaller owner/operator shops. I don't like the corporate atmosphere at all. Usually it's the owner/operator that does the interviewing, so I can usually tell whether or not they are a douche right off the bat. So far they've all turned out to be great places to work, with only one exception. That guy turned out to be way more than a douche.
More unfairness happens at small companies in my experience. The owners have their favorites and there's nobody to go to with complaints. At least at corporations there is a real chain of command and a person who is a favorite at one level probably isn't a favorite at the next level.
More unfairness happens at small companies in my experience. The owners have their favorites and there's nobody to go to with complaints. At least at corporations there is a real chain of command and a person who is a favorite at one level probably isn't a favorite at the next level.

It can go both ways. It all depends on the attitude of those in charge.
My wife works for a very large corporation at the district level and she sees that crap all the time. Everyone, from the owners down the the local managers have their "pets".
Last year I blew the engine in the family grader, and lost my job...or rather put on stand by while the machine was getting a new engine, so while I was waiting I fell in with this semi-local oilfield service company that was looking for an operator for a small ford F-550 picker truck. I got the job easy enough, but I had to work along side the bosses two idiot F-wad brothers, these guys were so lost, that almost everytime I had to share a truck with them, they’d always try and slack off, you know the dumb shit like taking the long way between job sites, only bringing partial fittings packages, so they could screw off to go get the rest later, making the job take longer, also not dropping off wellhead drives till the next day, even though the service rig needed that part A.S.A.P! Removing tools out of the picker truck that I personally outfitted with said tools at the shop on my own time, failing to write out their own tickets (invoice slips), and not completing tasked work before leaving for the day. Oh also he made me work with his mentality challenged cousin at a job site where I had to constantly watch him, lest he get entranced with a snow flake, and wonder off...or get run over.Now I can work around/with idiots, and the inept, also the lazy, but they better listen up when I need them to.

When I brought these concerns to the boss (their big brother) he told me not to bother, and that the work was guaranteed to the them cause it was being done in their community (Metis settlement), doesn’t help me if I’m trying to trade off my own name. So I mentioned that I was getting serious flak from the job supervisor, and the oilfield consultant everytime I showed up, cause these guys would sit around, and do almost nothing all day while several other competing oilfield service crews were racking up the hrs, and money working around circles around them (all out making us look bad), but I let that go, he paid me enough to drop my complaints. Then it happened, both these dirt bags forgot to fill out their invoice slips for almost 5 days, and somehow got a hold of my invoice book (cause their sister in law did the books) and copied what I had written down for the week, and handed it in on the same day as me, now it took several days for the shit to hit the fan, but it did, and hard. There I was minding my own business when the consultant decided that I was double charging him., this came to an all out argument, that I immediately brought back to the shop, since I was quitting, and needed to make reasons known...mostly I was angry, pissed off, and I was going to let that be known. After all was said and done I still didn’t get paid for those 5 days, and I never got E.I from those degenerates.

Now his son is trying to take over, and he wants to work in my community (Indian reserve), but I don’t think it’s a good idea, if they bring that same attitude to our community, then all the companies that work here with start to think we’re as useless as they are. No to mention they ripped me off, and I don’t want them to do that to anyone in my community, not if I can help it!
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Minor rant...

If you are an email scam artist trying to rob me of merchandise:

1) Compose the email in proper English.

2) Have the ingenuity to create or steal a company logo for your email signature.

3) Try requisitioning/RFQ'ing products that I actually sell.

Doing the above three things will at least get me to take five minutes to google/google maps your "company" for my own amusement instead of just deleting your email immediately.
Minor rant...

If you are an email scam artist trying to rob me of merchandise:

1) Compose the email in proper English.

2) Have the ingenuity to create or steal a company logo for your email signature.

3) Try requisitioning/RFQ'ing products that I actually sell.

Doing the above three things will at least get me to take five minutes to google/google maps your "company" for my own amusement instead of just deleting your email immediately.

There has some be some success to these attempts or you'd think it would have stopped by now... It's annoying to the point where we now have yellow and red banners at the top of company emails to warn users of external weird senders...
What's funny is that there is training out there for avoiding these email scams and users will take the training, then get phished the next day by an email that had every red flag from the training. I'm convinced some people are just hopeless and should stick to pens and paper, but they'll probably give the random "IRS Agent" on the phone their money too.
One of my personal favorites is getting an email request from a "purchasing agent" at a college, but, instead of *college name*.edu, the email is *bogus name*54321@gmail. com. :roll:
I love it when people air their dirty laundry out on Fakebook. I especially enjoy this when the ranter is a piece of shit and the whole family knows it, yet he is too stupid to realize that.
I was looking forward to checking out this guys track and crawling area on his property, then I saw this on their Facebook feed:

"Good evening,
As some of you know, we had a meeting last night with the Town of Deerfield zoning board.
The meeting was called in response to a noise complaint, that the track received at the end of the 2017 racing season. We had already met with the Planning board prior to last night, and had high hopes of resolving the issue last night. Things however did not go the way that we were expecting.
Tomorrow night Dick, JR and I will be meeting to discuss some options and exploring some new ideas.
After tomorrows meeting, we will be able to elaborate more on what's going on.
One more thing.. We are working VERY hard to come up with a solution! We are doing our very best to keep the Hillside experience of great racing, and a family friendly atmosphere alive!

The kicker is that this place is out in "farm country". I've driven by it a few times and, from the road, you would never know there was an active track in the back of his property. No cars parked on the street and I certainly didn't hear any excessive noise. I'm guessing he ran afoul with a neighbor and they went running to the town. In addition to the "noise", the town probably socked them with a bunch of zoning violations.

Going back to the "Lottery" thread... If you plan on having "RC Paradise" on your newly purchased country land, check with your local zoning board first. :roll: