Quarry Creeper
A new project for me. Got my old XR body mounted. Got my servo mounted, electronics going (FXR and BEC). Wheel speed may be lacking but there's a lot to do here. 3s definitely helped. looks great ray i always liked those two colors together!
Everyone is going to a shafty. Even I have been slowly working on collecting pieces for one. So that should show up next year some time.
Sent from my Super Smart Smart phone using Midi-chlorians
Especially if they keep shipping stuff to the wrong place :lmao:
Paypal sucks but I got everything i needed to go over the burg and than the last time I am at the river brake my front axle:lmao: FML...
I got everything for my scaler now too so I dug into it and just about every day this week I had something come up after work so I think i may have :x2 hrs:evil: of work on it. I need to lock myself in that room by myself but I dont think my GF would like me doing that and not helping out around the house.
Ray that is FRGGIN AWESOME!! You might like some of the stuff that I have been working on :twisted::twisted: