I'm running a stock 27T motor with stock gears in my SCX10. What is my best option to get more speed out of it? I'm looking to go with a 20T motor, so i don't have to change my ESC. Or just leave the 27T in and change gears?
I'm running a stock 27T motor with stock gears in my SCX10. What is my best option to get more speed out of it? I'm looking to go with a 20T motor, so i don't have to change my ESC. Or just leave the 27T in and change gears?
Finished up the 2nd boat this week...going up to the Chimney Rock, NC area with family this weekend. I should get some time in the rapids with it and with the crawlers as well...of course I'll try to keep them away from the rapids :shock:
HAHA...forgot about it's trip down the river that time! The damn thing floated :lmao:
Does anyone have a metal driveshafts you dont need will buy them from you that that will fix a SCX10 Honcho?
Oh that makes sense now lol..Well surprisingly I still run my stock WB8's & have managed to only snap or twist 2 in the a few months. I have some replacement stuff for those if you need! Other than that I would look into RPPhobby.com or somewhere like that. Goodluck, hope u can make the Event!