Rock Crawler
Actually, Venom has GREAT customer support. Put yourself in this guys shoes. Why would you justify repeated emailing back and forth arguing over the base servo? What doe sthis guy want out of it? Venom to buy him a 7955? Come on guys, There is no way ANY company can offer a top of the line truck at this price. If you honestly thought you were getting some monster servo and ripping ass truck for $150 your out of your gord and OBVIOUSLY haven't spent any time reading on here or done your research on what these trucks come with on rtr vehicles.
Back to venom's GREAT customer support, If you have spent anytime reading on here at all you'd notice that these guys are dropping what they are doing to send you replacement parts. At ZERO cost to you on a vehicle that does NOT have a warranty. Lets see how fast the allmighty Axial company will send you out some replacement cvd's? HA FAT CHANCE!.
I agree their trans is not the greatest, BUT it does do what the vehicle was intended for. It gets noobs into crawling and they can learn the ropes and basics of vehicle maintnence and performance. Then when they are ready to step up from the $150 venom to a $1000 Berg/Bully build they will have somewhat an idea on what they are doing.
I worked with Venom last year for the iHobby show. It went awesome! I hope I'll have that opprotunity again this year too
So to VENOM, Keep doing what your doing! Most of us appreciate the work that you put into keeping your customers happy.
For the record, TomEGunn. Just because you think motorcycles and boats are "lame a$$" doesn't mean a company sucks. Ask traxxas how much they suck because they have been making and selling "lame a$$" boats for years.
Also the very succesfull company Aquacraft Has made a fortune selling boats. The bikes are relatively new but I've had my hands on the venom bike and I want one.
I WILL NOT justify arguing with anybody over anything I have stated. This is my personal opinion, but I'm sure it is shared by many. If you don't like it, oh well go spend 3 times as much money on a berg or bully and STILL break so I can laugh at you when I beat you in points with venom axles lol.
Back to venom's GREAT customer support, If you have spent anytime reading on here at all you'd notice that these guys are dropping what they are doing to send you replacement parts. At ZERO cost to you on a vehicle that does NOT have a warranty. Lets see how fast the allmighty Axial company will send you out some replacement cvd's? HA FAT CHANCE!.
I agree their trans is not the greatest, BUT it does do what the vehicle was intended for. It gets noobs into crawling and they can learn the ropes and basics of vehicle maintnence and performance. Then when they are ready to step up from the $150 venom to a $1000 Berg/Bully build they will have somewhat an idea on what they are doing.
I worked with Venom last year for the iHobby show. It went awesome! I hope I'll have that opprotunity again this year too
So to VENOM, Keep doing what your doing! Most of us appreciate the work that you put into keeping your customers happy.
For the record, TomEGunn. Just because you think motorcycles and boats are "lame a$$" doesn't mean a company sucks. Ask traxxas how much they suck because they have been making and selling "lame a$$" boats for years.
Also the very succesfull company Aquacraft Has made a fortune selling boats. The bikes are relatively new but I've had my hands on the venom bike and I want one.
I WILL NOT justify arguing with anybody over anything I have stated. This is my personal opinion, but I'm sure it is shared by many. If you don't like it, oh well go spend 3 times as much money on a berg or bully and STILL break so I can laugh at you when I beat you in points with venom axles lol.