I wanna be Dave
Cool, I'll pop over and watch you guys run stupid ridiculous lines if I see ya :mrgreen:
You need to join us. "thumbsup"
Cool, I'll pop over and watch you guys run stupid ridiculous lines if I see ya :mrgreen:
I have a RC4WD wired winch controller you can have. Problem solved if you have an open channel, I'm pretty sure it's RX operated.
Here's what it looks like
See if you can find out how to make it work
That is exactly what I need. I installed a temp DPDT switch but yeah what do ya want for it?
Any scale gear would be bad ass, if not don't worry about it, I don't own a 3ps transmitter to be able to put it to use.
I will look and see what I got. I dont really have any scale accessories built up yet. Maybe a set of 2.2 tires our a honcho cab. I will dig and see what I can come up with.
Big block time
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Looks like you are ready to rip!
You guys missed out today, despite the DEEP water making some of the spots inaccessible it was a great day of wheeling. I tried to wheel with as scale as possible, trying not to HOG it if at all possible. I did have to carry it from one spot to another (meaning I had to hop rock to rock and try not to get wet!) a few times though. Here are some pics
shhhh...I didn't where a life jacket!!! I took this picture of water because usually we wheel where the water is! Not today!
Still lots of terrain to wheel though
So...I hope this got some appetites wet for a trip up there. Miko and I are thinking this next weekend (4/14) we head up there for a get together...YES?
YES!!!! :mrgreen:
See ya'll tomorrow "thumbsup"
I'm all in Bo 8) see you guys around noon-ish. Those are some big ass tires n8welch!!! Hope to see them in action today :twisted: