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Official Chesapeake, VA beach, Suffolk Trail Run Thread

I have a shit ton of stuff to do around the house after being away for two weeks, but I can do it before, after or before and after we go. Anytime Sunday can work for me.
If I'm off that day(won't know till tomorrow) earlier is best for me. I use to wake up crazy early to go to the races in Gloucester. Let's try for 9 am then. Batterys all will be dead by noon. And I can still make the kids museum on my way home.

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Details added to first post, quoted here:


Next Meet-up: Sunday 3/18/12
Meeting Time: 9:00am
Location: Nike Carrolton Park (mtn bike trail) 13036 Nike Park Road, Carrollton

Website says its a 2.5mile loop...bring plenty of batteries, tools, screws and some good walking shoes! :mrgreen:
Don't why I was thinking 4 miles... Guess I was confused with another place. 2.5 miles still a long way.

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Maybe you should bring your bike and scout the place out, that way we don't have to walk 2 of the 2.5 miles to find the good spots. :lmao:
There is a woman selling a komodo trail truck on Craigslist for 275. All I got is 160 any body want a losi trophy truck for cheap? There in great shape.

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Well I don't think I'll have the links redone on the FJ in time, looks like I'll be running the Ox! I'll probably carry it from one spot to the next, all I have is 2650mah...until next week :ror:
I think I'm gonna keep the wraith at home this time. And just have honchos. Does anyone have any 1.9 tires and runs for sale? I need them for the tlt project.

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FJ is staying in the truck, meaning I don't have to drive like a sissy this weekend...you're going to wish you brought the Wraith when I start bashing the Blue Ox :flipoff:
Lol. If I don't have to work tomorrow, I'm going to concentrate on drinking and getting ready for Sunday starting at 8am. If the wraith is running. I'll bring with just in case.

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I'll probably have sores on the bottom of my feet after tomorrow! Lol
Busch Gardens is open to season pass holders so we gonna go ride some roller coasters.

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Dang have fun. I'm picking a komodo trail truck tomorrow. Always wanted one. I'll have it Sunday. The kids might not be with me. A little less stressful.

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Well just got word. I have to work till about 930 am. Is there anyway we can change the time to 1030?

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just picked up the komodo. sitting a little high for me but i will drop it today. and its already water proofed. hay ram, lets get muddy!!!