Yesterday at work I was scouring google maps in "satellite" mode (where you can see the trees and dirt and whatnot) and found what looked to be an AWESOME spot to do some wheeling, it had water, hills, etc. So I rushed home, grabbed a backpack, my rig and my dog. Strapped my rig to the backpack, threw the dog in the truck and rolled out.
We drove as far as we could, now it was time to hike. We were going in by train track, few hundred yards down the tracks and over a river to the break of the trees and it was going to be a heaven. Its about 5:20 now, sun sets at 5:45 and I know a LONG train comes down this track everyday around 5:40, we have to be quick, at this point I don't even know why I brought the rig because we aren't going to have time to wheel, this has become a straight recon mission...and we have to be out before the train comes...I didn't bring a flashlight! We start crossing the railroad bridge (which was open bottom, railroad ties layed perpendicular to the tracks spaced about 1 foot apart), after about 15 feet my dog (lab) realized it was an open bottom bridge (yup, he looked down). He froze, legs shaking, he could go no further, nor was he able to turn around. So here I am, rig strapped to my back, carrying my big bad lab across a bridge trying not to mis-step and fall into the river 20 feet below.
We make it across, we are so close. As we breach the top of the bank to look into paradise, all we see is a forest of 4-5 foot tall pine trees! Dooped by google maps! The image must be a few years old! damn! The woods surrounding the area were alright, but not worth the effort, its 5:35 now we have to GO! Carried dog back across bridge with literally a minute to spare, watched train go by and walked to truck in the dark. Fun mission, even if it was a fail. :ror:
So...what time Sunday? :mrgreen: