Flipped due to clearance reasons, lol. Leafs are in the way. Will bend the new links out of the way since the knuckles will locate them so low on the axle
How do the SSD lockouts fit on everyones D60 axles? Using the set screws like SSD shows in their product pics mine wobble quite a bit.
Using VP Bushings and SSD everything else. Clearances a tad tight. Nothing a file cant fix. Just fyi'in y'all. I searched the thread real quick and didnt find nothing. I am the only one?
Okay not sure why mind wobble. Only ran it for 30 minutes.Shouldn't wobble.
Okay not sure why mind wobble. Only ran it for 30 minutes.
They drop below the CL when articulated. Would end up being a nightmare. I'll find a solutionWhy not mount the rods on the top of the knuckle and go through the spring?
Linkage will be bent out of the wayhaving the steering links on the bottom is gonna be awful. you'll hang up on leaves even. lol
It'll workFirst time seeing a "low steer mod". :ror:
Tolerances are tight. It helps to assemble C hubs, CVD, knuckles before fitting on the splines. And put the outer bearing in the knuckle last.
I dont know about VP bushings as we tested with Axial parts.