Congratulations on a successful event for a great cause! I lost my sister 3 years ago to breast cancer and I applaud anyone who does something like this. Well done!
Thank you, it was a great time and a great cause! We bought plenty of raffle tickets, t-shirt, etc.
Looks like you had a great time Nate. Shame about no pics. but having fun is a good excuse (just). Also an event like that is good to see. "thumbsup"
Yes we did, thanks!
Oh, and talking about RULR's I reversed the battery mounts on my K10, but see a good bit of flex, so intend making some up sometime.
Yes, more solid is good and ideally they need to be higher than the battery reversal. I thought it was a general invite. :twisted:
But of course!
So I just bought a used Ascender, don't even have it yet, waiting for it arrive, anyhow I'm only on page eight of this thread and I can't believe how much good info is here and how well Natedog includes links and tries to present all info available, great job! Looking forward to gettin mine. I really think the Ascender section needs a Tips and Tricks thread like other models though."thumbsup"
Awesome, been reading your posts, can't wait to see what you do to personalize it! Thank you, trying to help everyone. Agreed, Tips and Tricks thread would be great!
Do yourself a favor... If you see something you like, just bookmark it now instead of rifling through the whole thread for the umpteenth time like I have been doing for months... LOL
Great idea!
...Anyhow I just gotta thank Natedog again for all this useful info that applies to other rigs as well, I dropped the ride height on my TRX4 Bronco tonight by backing off all the preload on the shocks and lowering the body posts one hole all around, Wow! Those two things made a world of difference, it climbs and sidehills so much better now, I'm on page 33 of this thread now and probably have 10 pages bookmarked lol"thumbsup"
Awesome, glad to help out with your setup, you're welcome!
Yeti.Stealth (Dean) and son Cooper visited the other day and we had a great day of chatting, crawling, and burritos!

Day started out cool and a bit chilly, we couldn't decide on shorts or long pants, but ended up sunny and warm about 80F, very nice. Group picture!
We crawled a couple cool arch/tunnels.
Snack time and truck stack time.
As we were rallying around the beaches and trails a Bald Eagle flew right over us, so amazed that I barely got a kinda blurry picture! Saw lots of birds, ground squirrels too.
I've been using the new Vaterra RULRs on my K10 (tested on K5 too) and Rich has announced that they will be available separately within a week from now, awesome! Post # 64
After crawling and discussing with Dean, I've planned a K10 rebuild and have a bunch of parts laid out for some nice modifications! Probably going to try out the windshield wiper metal insert swaybar setup that one of their group created.
Post # 425