What's the advantage of those new rear upper link mounts?
Along with my other changes it feels more stable and helps reduce TT.

Ok finally got through the whole thread, lot's of good reading here! My Bronco was built using the k5 Blazer kit and I went through the manual and checked that all the links are correct and all was good except for the one steering link that should've been 30mm instead of 38mm, fixing that corrected my steering. I don't have anything close to the rocks that you climb, mostly trails with rocks and steep loose climbs so my question to you Ascender Guru is this, do think the Wraith sway bar mounted like your K5 is my best bet? It climbs over obstacles great but the TT just kills steep climbs.
Thanks, glad to help! Yes the shorter steering link on WB1 and WB2 is important when using stock steering setup, you won't get full turn in both directions otherwise. Rocks or dirt it still makes a difference, rear swaybar is the easiest (and very effective) way to counteract torque twist. Outboard shocks, RULRs, and Rich's spring limiters all help too.
