Did the rear bumper mount flip to gain little more departure angle, thanks for the idea Northernerbill! "thumbsup"8) I have a couple fresh black Sharpie pens now too. ;-)
Here's a before pic showing body to rear bumper (body lowered two mounting holes front and rear from stock RTR).
Front pic for reference of body position in general, obviously this rear bumper mount flip does not affect body height or the front.

After rear bumper mount flip, raised it a good 1/4" at least, maybe 3/8"...will measure and post back:
Somebody asked about how I flipped the rear bumper, forgot to say in my original post about that. Here's how to flip the rear bumper mounts
Un-bolt the rear bumper mounts from the frame, flip them upside down (have to swap sides to do this). Then unbolt the bumper from the mounts, flip it right side up, re-assemble and gain some sweet departure angle increase!