Losi Mini-T springs (front and rear) fit the Vaterra aluminum shocks similar to how they fit BigBores, test fitted only but seemed secure. Might need a small collar to keep them from moving up during actual trail use. Feels like Vaterra medium springs are between Mini-T rear (longer) springs soft and medium.
Since the upgrade shocks don't provide any instructions, I went through a million different methods of upper shock mounting and was settled on Wraith rubber bushings, well not a million but I ran down the usual list of nitro fuel line, shock o-rings, ball ends, etcetera. I like the mount screws to bottom against something solid when possible, so turned down a Vaterra steel ball end in the drillpress lathe with low speed and the edge of a large flat file. Turned it down to about 0.155" od, but it was too tight a fit inside the Wraith rubber bushings and the steel was kind thin walled after turning it down. Settled on using unmodified steel Vaterra linkage balls with a 3mm flat washer on the outside to retain the shock. This is very smooth pivoting, virtually slop free (at the moment anyways) there isn't really room for an o-ring or two with this setup unless you want to bind the upper mount. We'll see how it goes, STRC sells aluminum shock caps, but don't know how well they fit the Vaterra aluminum shocks as they seem to be meant as replacement for the plastic shock caps. I'm guessing they'll fit fine, since STRC also sells aluminum shock bodies and lower o-ring retainers. 8)
Front shocks mounted outboard! The tires lightly contact the springs at full lock, about the same time the tires contact the lower links. I'm going with it, we'll see how it is long-term! I did NOT use the aluminum shock mount spacers included with the shocks.
Notes: I flipped the panhard mount screw at the axle so that the smooth and lower profile head is on the shock side, used a couple millimeter shorter screw and an Axial thin locknut (for the Wraith, part number AXA1052) so that at full steering lock it does not touch the knuckle steering arm.
35mm buttonhead screws cut down to 33mm attach shocks and lower links to the axle housing. Used Vaterra steel pivot balls to space the lower link and mounts.
Ya, that's a lot of steering. 8)