Helpers cleaning up shop.

How she sits now, got spare tire glued up after scraping chrome off the rim for the beads to CA, would be nice if Horizon put the little masking tape over the bead area like some manufacturers do, so that there's less chrome scraping to do. Note the rear swaybar connected and sitting underneath. I outboarded the rear upper shock mounts with 5mm Axial green aluminum spacers, those spacers are super handy, I've bought several different lengths just to have around for such needs. Measured and the rear lower mounts are 10mm outboard by just moving them to the outside of axle mounts. Outbaording the upper mounts gives little more room for sway bar ends and links, plus fights TT. Next is lower swaybar link and then the lower link in stock position. I was going to use Ascender end links for swaybar because they are so beefy, but space is tight and so I'm testing with other lower shock ends, and Axial shock ends. Vaterra plastic is best and should be great for swaybar. The shorter plastic end links help reduce interference between the links and shocks lower spring seat. Steel end link balls come in several different widths, I used calipers to measure the ones that I have on hand (0.249", 0.273", and 0.315". I've settled on the narrowest (0.249") since they provide enough flex travel without binding. Ascender ballss are 0.275" wide. Axial balls are 0.274" and 0.246". There is also the flanged on both ends, flanged on one end and the offset of the ball center from the ends of the steel piece to consider.

Pics of measuring where to drill the frame holes for swaybar to pass through. The tiny silver dots are the best looking spots when considering all aspects of flex, travel and bar end angles. I want to get the bar back as far as possible to keep the links vertical at ride height if possible, this is not possible with my setup, so I'm going for best for my setup. End links in the pics are 40mm eye to eye, I'm going to try some 35mm, seems they will provide best geometry overall. That dot is 6mm straight down from top of frame rail, and 17mm back from center of factory hole in frame. Red mark was my initial guesstimate before all the measuring and flex testing while holding swaybar and link in position. What do you all think?

How she sits now, got spare tire glued up after scraping chrome off the rim for the beads to CA, would be nice if Horizon put the little masking tape over the bead area like some manufacturers do, so that there's less chrome scraping to do. Note the rear swaybar connected and sitting underneath. I outboarded the rear upper shock mounts with 5mm Axial green aluminum spacers, those spacers are super handy, I've bought several different lengths just to have around for such needs. Measured and the rear lower mounts are 10mm outboard by just moving them to the outside of axle mounts. Outbaording the upper mounts gives little more room for sway bar ends and links, plus fights TT. Next is lower swaybar link and then the lower link in stock position. I was going to use Ascender end links for swaybar because they are so beefy, but space is tight and so I'm testing with other lower shock ends, and Axial shock ends. Vaterra plastic is best and should be great for swaybar. The shorter plastic end links help reduce interference between the links and shocks lower spring seat. Steel end link balls come in several different widths, I used calipers to measure the ones that I have on hand (0.249", 0.273", and 0.315". I've settled on the narrowest (0.249") since they provide enough flex travel without binding. Ascender ballss are 0.275" wide. Axial balls are 0.274" and 0.246". There is also the flanged on both ends, flanged on one end and the offset of the ball center from the ends of the steel piece to consider.

Pics of measuring where to drill the frame holes for swaybar to pass through. The tiny silver dots are the best looking spots when considering all aspects of flex, travel and bar end angles. I want to get the bar back as far as possible to keep the links vertical at ride height if possible, this is not possible with my setup, so I'm going for best for my setup. End links in the pics are 40mm eye to eye, I'm going to try some 35mm, seems they will provide best geometry overall. That dot is 6mm straight down from top of frame rail, and 17mm back from center of factory hole in frame. Red mark was my initial guesstimate before all the measuring and flex testing while holding swaybar and link in position. What do you all think?

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