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Natedog's Honcho kit build

New used Treps on HR 1.9 8-hole beadlocks with CI DW foams! Tires were rubbing front bumper at full lock (even though CMS reduced steering throw slightly) and rub front fenders slightly. Probably just live with front fender slight rub since I like my body low, but had to trim my front bumper little more to keep taller Trepadors from rubbing at full lock. Rear tires don't rub anywhere. :)

New Pro-Line Scaler shocks too...bought them over a year ago, just hadn't installed them as I was trying hopelessly to make stock Axial shocks not leak. These Prolines are really sweet so far....length and spring rates seems great too.

Some more CI foams.

I drilled the HR hex hubs to use 2.5mm hardware because they are stronger, clamp tighter and imo look better than the 2mm hardware that they come with. The wheels didn't need drilled for the 2.5mm, just cleaned the powder coat out of the lugnut holes by hand with numbered drill bit and they were good to go.

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I installed VP AXIAL SCX 3 LINK / CMS / PANHARD CONVERSION KIT FOR STOCK 12.3 WB BLACK and the front of the servo really needs to be moved up (tipped back and up) about 5-6mm for draglink clearance because I'm running Axial high-steer knuckles. Do any of the other CMS servo mounts for SCX raise the servo up more?

Vanquish CMS kit:
Axial SCX 3 Link / CMS / Panhard Conversion Kit for Stock 12.3 WB Black - Vanquish Products

EDIT: Drilling and tapping my beef tubes for the panhard mount was a pita because the screw does not hit the top center of the tube, but hits at rear side off center. Lots of careful measuring, drilling with under-sized drill bit, reassemble to test hole line up and repeat.
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I ran the rc4wd CMS kit on my scx10 jeep that i just sold... I also had the high clearance knuckles and had no issue with clearance for the steering linkage... I used the Blue Monkey scx10 steering link kit for the axial high clearance knuckles and also had use the stock aluminum axial steering linkage with slight modifications..the picture shows the axial linkage...


  • scx10cms.jpg
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What servo mounts are you using? I gained a handful of clearance on VP setup just by going to Gmade mounts. I've also used the Hand Bros kit (which I believe is identical to the RC4WD unit) and as I recall it put the servo slightly lower, and it didn't allow for the rotated mounting position that the VP does.
I ran the rc4wd CMS kit on my scx10 jeep that i just sold... I also had the high clearance knuckles and had no issue with clearance for the steering linkage... I used the Blue Monkey scx10 steering link kit for the axial high clearance knuckles and also had use the stock aluminum axial steering linkage with slight modifications..the picture shows the axial linkage...

I'm also using Blue Monkey SCX10 steering link kit for the Axial high clearance knuckles, set with a bit of toe-out for better steering. Thanks for the pic, trying to see how close your servo arm swings to the bottom of frame rail and how far forward. Do you have a pic from the left side to see this?

Here's another pic similar angle as yours, I'm looking for my side view pic.

What servo mounts are you using? I gained a handful of clearance on VP setup just by going to Gmade mounts. I've also used the Hand Bros kit (which I believe is identical to the RC4WD unit) and as I recall it put the servo slightly lower, and it didn't allow for the rotated mounting position that the VP does.

I'm using STRC servo mounts. Couldn't find the exact mounts that I'm using, bought them couple years ago at LHS. They are like this, but the backside is a straight angled line, instead of milled out like "L" shape. The G-Made that you linked looks like it puts the servo at same height as STRC.

STRC CNC Machined Aluminum servo Mounts for SC10/B4/T4 1 pair (Gun Metal)

EDIT: Oh just realized that maybe if I use the lower rear servo mount hole on VP plate that it will tip the servo arm up at the front achieving what I want. Hopefully this does not lower the rear of the servo into the axle or links LOL. :oops:
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Full right turn lock at ride height, you can see servo arm about to hit tie-rod. Had to trim my front bumper little more to keep taller Trepadors from rubbing at full lock. New Pro-Line Scaler shocks visibble too...bought them over a year ago, just hadn't installed them as I was trying hopelessly to make stock Axial shocks not leak. These Prolines are really sweet so far....length and spring rates seems great too.

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I ran the rc4wd CMS kit on my scx10 jeep that i just sold... I also had the high clearance knuckles and had no issue with clearance for the steering linkage... I used the Blue Monkey scx10 steering link kit for the axial high clearance knuckles and also had use the stock aluminum axial steering linkage with slight modifications..the picture shows the axial linkage...

After studying your pic more, looks like you have servo with output splines towards rear of truck. Mine is setup with servo output closer to front of truck, like VP showed in their instructions. I'm running HiTec HS-7950Th servo, but prolly doesn't make much difference in servo splined shaft output location. Why did you turn your servo that way, did you try it mounted like mine?

After studying your pic more, looks like you have servo with output splines towards rear of truck. Mine is setup with servo output closer to front of truck, like VP showed in their instructions. I'm running HiTec HS-7950Th servo, but prolly doesn't make much difference in servo splined shaft output location. Why did you turn your servo that way, did you try it mounted like mine?

HS-7950TH High Voltage, Ultra Torque, Titanium Gear, Coreless Ultra Premium Servo | HITEC RCD USA

I did it that way due to the condition you are having...yup, i tried it the other way first and it had issues, i dont have a side pic to show and the truck is gone...but i run all of my cms setups with the output to the rear...works much better for me that way.
I'm using STRC servo mounts. Couldn't find the exact mounts that I'm using, bought them couple years ago at LHS. They are like this, but the backside is a straight angled line, instead of milled out like "L" shape. The G-Made that you linked looks like it puts the servo at same height as STRC.

I'm familiar with those STRC mounts, I have them on my Wraith. The Gmades would buy you about 4-5 mm of extra clearance. They are pretty much nothing more than a flat spotted cylinder with tapped holes in the flat spot for the servo and a tapped hole in the end to mount it.
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Natedog, can you share the part numbers for you axial high steer knucles and chubs? I've been trying to find them to take to my lhs to order but I guess my goole-fu isn't strong enough.

Nice build btw, i've enjoyed following your progress.
I did it that way due to the condition you are having...yup, i tried it the other way first and it had issues, i dont have a side pic to show and the truck is gone...but i run all of my cms setups with the output to the rear...works much better for me that way.

OK thanks! "thumbsup"

I'm familiar with those STRC mounts, I have them on my Wraith. The Gmades would buy you about 4-5 mm of extra clearance. They are pretty much nothing more than a flat spotted cylinder with tapped holes in the flat spot for the servo and a tapped hole in the end to mount it.

OK makes sense now, thanks! Ordered G-Made mounts. "thumbsup"

Natedog, can you share the part numbers for you axial high steer knucles and chubs? I've been trying to find them to take to my lhs to order but I guess my goole-fu isn't strong enough.

Nice build btw, i've enjoyed following your progress.

Yes, here you go and updated my first post with this info. "thumbsup"

Aluminum C Hub Carrier - Black p/n AX30495
Axial Racing - Aluminum C Hub Carrier - Black (2pcs)

Axial Hi-clearance Knuckles p/n AX30533
No link on Axial's website...discontinued??? I hope not!

Axial CVDs in front axle p/n AX30464
Axial Racing - AX10 Scorpion Universal Set (2pcs)

Brandon refrerences them here in his SCX10 build blog:
Axial Racing - Brandon’s Axial SCX10 Honcho

A-Main.com has them in stock here:
Axial Hi-Clearance Knuckle Set (2) [AXI30526] | Parts - AMain.com - AMain.com

TowerHobbies.com has them in stock too:
TowerHobbies.com | Axial Hi-Clearance Knuckles (2)
I did it that way due to the condition you are having...yup, i tried it the other way first and it had issues, i dont have a side pic to show and the truck is gone...but i run all of my cms setups with the output to the rear...works much better for me that way.

After checking my setup, turning the servo around won't work for me, the panhard barely clears the servo as it is and the servo output and horn would be right on top of the panhard. If I use the VP optional rear servo mount hole to lower the rear (thus tilting the front with servo arm up) then the servo body will be into the panhard. As you can see I have about 1mm between it and the servo.

I'm familiar with those STRC mounts, I have them on my Wraith. The Gmades would buy you about 4-5 mm of extra clearance. They are pretty much nothing more than a flat spotted cylinder with tapped holes in the flat spot for the servo and a tapped hole in the end to mount it.

These mounts should be just enough clearance, Gmade on Amazon is slow shipping though...I assumed they would come from Los Angeles California area, but they are coming from Tennessee and they waited four days to ship after I bought them. Should've ordered from A-Main (and would have but I ordered couple sets and they only had one set in stock), I'm tempted to drill my STRC mounts until the GMades arrive. Spare Wraith servo mount setup:

Thanks for the help guys. 8)"thumbsup"
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Holy crap my GMade servo mount (one of couple ordered) just arrived on Sunday??? Packing tape says Amazon Prime, but I'm pretty sure I declined the free Prime trial, as I always do. Sweet, I thought the tracking schedule must be wrong, but here's my new mount! "thumbsup"

amazon prime is about the best $75 I spend every year. Totally worth it

Used to be $75.

Unfortunately it's $100 now, but I live far enough from the big city that I still get my money's worth a few times over.

Yes, unfortunately they raised it to $100 not sure it's worth it for me, but we'll see.

So far, so good, I had to drill and tap my beef tube for the mount near the knuckle. Only wish VP triangulated with a third mounting hole kinda like the original RCBros did, I may add something later if I rip the screw out of my Beeftube. If you run high steer knuckles I highly recommend Gmade Aluminum Servo Mount p/n GMA51126R to raise the servo up a little more so that you get full compression of the front axle. It will work fine with regular servo mounts, just realize you'll lose about 1/4" up travel. I could have drilled and tapped my STRC servo mounts to do same, but for $7 per pair I bought a couple and they work great!

Gmade Aluminum Servo Mount (Red) (2) [GMA51126R] | Parts - AMain.com - AMain.com

I bought from Gmade
Amazon.com: G-made 51126S Aluminum Servo Mount, Silver (2): Toys & Games

...New Pro-Line Scaler shocks visibble too...bought them over a year ago, just hadn't installed them as I was trying hopelessly to make stock Axial shocks not leak. These Prolines are really sweet so far....length and spring rates seems great too.

ProLine shocks leaked oil just sitting every night before I even ran them lol...called Proline today and they are sending two rebuild kits.
I received Proline scaler shocks rebuild kit about one week after calling them. I emailed and didn't hear any reply for a week, so I called and they took care of me. Just have to stop crawling so much and rebuild them now, they're covered in oil and dirt muck from leaking so much lol.

I'll have to look back and see when I first got my Honcho but she'ss starting so show her age, both sliders have been kinda getting lower and lower lately. After this weekend's crawl the driver (right) side slider is pointing way down and now sits about 5/8" below bottom of the cab, it used to sit almost flush. The left side is down about 1/4", left front shock is about 1/8" from the frame rail, right front is at least 1/4" away from the frame although all my panhard and other links are proper lengths and I get no bumpsteer. Looking at it closer with the body off, it looks like front and rear of frame are bent, which I think resulted in bending the frame rails out and down at the skidplate? It still drives straight and crawls great, but the low hanging sliders look terrible and are hindering performance.

Took a few more good falls and broke the end off the rear axle housing and cracked the diff side of the housing between the lower link mounts. I'll replace the housing, check the diff, and might install Beeftubes too.