Thanks, I like to help others learn to build and document for when I forget what I did! I don't know how the SSD housings hold up because I haven't finished it due to multiple concurrent projects. I think they will be quite strong, the easy access to gears is a huge selling point, don't have to undo all my links, shocks, servo mount, etc. just to do maintenance or swap out worn gears. Stock housings look good, but are weak, I've broken several and always right where they neck down for the lockouts/c-hubs go on. I've run stock housings for years, with and without BeefTubes, SSD seem better and look more scale. I don't like aluminum axle housings they dont slide well over rock and are too heavy. Too much weight down low makes it crawl everything I point it at...gets boring really fast, that's why I sold my Wraith axles and 2.2s...might 1.9 it or part the rest and buy another Ascender, Sawback or TF2.
Short of it is the SSD housings look great, very good price for what you get and their other parts I've bought have been excellent quality and customer service! Run what you got if money is tight, otherwise I'd buy SSD plastic housings. I'm going back to on axle steering with this re-build, the Axial chassis gets too much flex running CMS and I bent the heck out of it.