I meant to post it with that last pic, but I wanted to share some programming changes I made that really helped me keep consistent lap times around the track. As much as I love having enough braking force to throw it in a "stoppy", I've been playing around with dialing it back. Even with 75% max brake the truck would occasionally grab enough traction to get the rear wheels off the ground, and it was always under heavy braking that I'd first hear the angry crunching noises from the front end, so I tried 50% max brake force. I can't lock 'em up any more, but after half a day running around the track, I never felt like the brakes were lacking.... but that was largely due to change #2...
Drag brake. While it's probably old news to seasoned racers, with the drag break set to just 5%, I pretty much never needed to touch the brakes! I was worried that the drag brake would be intrusive, but boy was I wrong! The Baja Rey is obviously a lot more lively when it comes to chassis movement when compared to your typical ifs/irs truck, especially when transitioning from full throttle to heavy braking. With just that little bit of drag brake, the change in pitch of the chassis is barely noticeable, so it's easy to hold your line through a turn and continue holding it while getting back on the throttle. I know it's a minor change, but it was exactly the "ah ha!" moment I needed to really feel comfortable driving this truck at its limits (okay, okay, it can go faster, but my brain can't process any faster!) Just thought I'd share.