Very nice Ryan. Whats the weight compared to Dlux??
Today I received some VERY nice trans case covers from klabeaume...very nice work Kevin! The extra tab being incorporated like the stock covers is a really nice touch 8)
:shock: To both of those!!!! Nice"thumbsup"
Nice job on the wheels, I like those tires too. 8)
Believe me I cussed you the entire time I spent sanding these bastards...I had 8 of them to do this week between mine and a set for a customer :shock:
Sounds like business is good. "thumbsup"
Really really really liking them. Keep in mind though...I also have an inner tuning foam around the front closed cells with the soft outer around that. The rear foams are just the soft outers and closed cell inners.
Really really really liking them. Keep in mind though...I also have an inner tuning foam around the front closed cells with the soft outer around that. The rear foams are just the soft outers and closed cell inners.
I will X2 this set up. "thumbsup"