My lame ass phone wont let me search on this forum.. but I keep trying
How do you use the search box on an Ipod or Iphone?
"The best thing about the internet is you can quote something and completely make up the source" - George Washington
I like this , it would look good on a tee shirt AND I am going to steel it to post on my FB Yell real loud so you can object I am in Grass Valley CA , just down the hill from the Sierras with all those huge granit boulders !
How do you use the search box on an Ipod or Iphone?
Thanks for the write up, AdverseCity.
Unfortunately, the advanced search doesn't work very well. Even with quotes, it usually returns anything that contains either word.
Try searching for "toe in" in the Wraith section, you will get results that contain "toe" or "in".
And now, we have a "Google search box" right on every page!8)I agree. I get better results just using Google where I'd put in:
RCCrawler "toe in"
Then pick thru the offered threads for something Wraith.
And now, we have a "Google search box" right on every page!8)
Cut to this point
Be specific but also brief, you don't want to type "how to get rid of torque twist on an axial AX10". This will get you a ton of results, most of which won't help and you'll get discouraged after reading the first ½ dozen and give up. Instead try searching "torque twist" and select the "Axial AX10 Scorpion" section, you'll get much fewer results that will be 10 times as useful to you.
If you put quotation marks around the words you're searching for, it will only show results with those words in that specific order. Example, if you type "losi crawler shocks" you won't get a thread that has My losi buggy is faster than my crawler, it must be the aftermarket shocks.
Not sure, I have an Xperia X10 that was hard to search with though. I can click on search and the little box pops up but when I click on the box to type, it disappears. I finally realized that once the box pops up I have to zoom in a bunch and click on advanced search. Try that and let us know.
Sadly either the quotation marks on a mac don't work in the search function or this doesn't work any more. I did exactly as was stated above. I went to advanced search, typed in "dick cepek mud country review" and selected tires/wheels forum and selected titles only. It returned a long list of threads that had the word mud or dick or cepek or country or review, not all of them in sequence as the quotations should have driven it.
I ran the same search in google and I got reviews on the 1/1 DC mud country.
Any tips would be appreciated. Please run the same search and see if you come up with what I did wrong.