I wanna be Dave
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but thermal heat sink compound is only meant to fill in the tiny imperfections of the flat surface of the component you are trying to protect and the heat sink itself. The general rule is the thinner the better. Filling the entire vacant area above the motor drivers will likely help somewhat, but probably not as much as you might hope.
If there was a way to get a flat piece of aluminum to set against the flat surface of the transistors (with some heat sink compound in between of course) that would help to spread the heat over a larger area. If you were able to also mechanically fix that piece of aluminum to the servo case at the same time that would also help move the heat along.
If there was a way to get a flat piece of aluminum to set against the flat surface of the transistors (with some heat sink compound in between of course) that would help to spread the heat over a larger area. If you were able to also mechanically fix that piece of aluminum to the servo case at the same time that would also help move the heat along.