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Hillbilly's garage

Haven't been able to tinker lately been busy, collected more parts for more projects lol.
Got one of the injora capra style cages and pairing it with some metal capra style axles. Still need other parts but it's a down the road project.
Picked up some scx10 style rails on plans to redo the cab swapped barrage but changed my mind. Going to just finish it how it is.
Scx10 chassis will now be a Tamiya f350 based rig. I have axles already for it but basically it.

Still trying to get my electronics figured out when I get time for the Ascent sleeper (g-speed clone with ascent cab)
Ascent sleeper is getting closer, my OG 1080 I was going to use for it isn't working, tried a different motor and tx/rx combos with it can't figure it out at the moment. So I just picked up a hobby wing fusion se 1800. Found my ascent bumper mounts and bumpers. Some front chassis trim and some shaving of the bumper mount. Then a battery mount and I'm done.

Here is my thought with the f350. Cross tube bed fits the back profile of the cab. This way I won't be stuck running the bed and 11.4" wb. Tube bed is left over from the top piece I used on SE trail truck.
Installed the hw 1800kv 2n1, and chopped the front of the chassis off, after I modified the Ascent bumper mount to sit flat on the chassis and made sure it would interfere with the servo. I painted the body today and tossed couple decals on it. Still need to fill shocks but it's 99% done. Even took it for a tiny test drive as well.
