A little political, I know, but damn funny...
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would never work in texas. when the air temp is higher than your body temp, it just feels like a hot jet engine blast.
definatly props for his home depot solution skills though!
Could have gotten just as much air by rolling the windows the rest of the way down. :mrgreen:
I rescued her from outside the building I worked at, took her to a vet and had her checked out, and she never left my apartment for the next 8 years or so.
Unfortunately, I was over at my then-girlfriends place one night and a fire broke out back at my complex and my cat died of smoke inhalation before I was able to get back to her.
The only pet I've ever had that was mine, though there were family pets growing up - and various girlfriends has their pets when we cohabitated...
Yep, I miss her - I don't believe in ghosts but when I push my chair back I still make sure she isn't underfoot.
If u got cranberries stuck in your heeeeeeead, then check out bad wolves version of zombie. They done a bomb job on the cover