For those who have a Colorado??
And if you believe that I've got a mansion for sale on a remote island if you're interested.
so if a condom is rated for 1 time use, and you use it 1.1 times and it you expect trojan to pay for the kids college fund?
Well, obviously it was overloaded. I think the GM techs are 100% correct in their analysis.
Maybe try not to buy a junky truck next time. I’ve had my Yoder so bed loaded with a full pallet of bricks that it was on the bumpstops for 25 miles. It was fine. Hard to steer at highway speeds though. LOL. Pulled trailers with tractors so heavy you had to center them over the double axle to be able to turn. Still fine. Got really “sleepy” one weekend and found a deep ditch. 4lowed that bad boy out and, again, still fine.
Only a Toyota fan would call a GM truck junk for failing when being overloaded.
Is your Yoder on the first frame or the second?
The damn plug always falls out of my phone. Does that mean my phone is too "excited"? :shock: