I got to make some test runs this past weekend.

I took the 'Jockey out and tried the new wheelie-bars .... I LOVE this little truck more every time I "drive" it. The TSM (gyro) lets you adjust the "fishtail" if it's slippery and helps you run arrow straight. The new 'bars work just as well as the longer ones did, and look a lot better. 8)
The Ipod "dash" is just too dang'd cool too! You can watch the rpm's jump when you nail it, then drop as it hooks up, then rev up again as it takes off.

The speedo isn't quite calibrated to my gearing, but its close enuf. I'll get a real trap speed eventually, when I get the DTS-1 up and going.
I got the bike all together too ....
then the rider, who was also in kit form ...
so when he's assembled he can flex and move as he "hangs on" (where's a humunculus when you need one). 8)
For the maiden run I took the bike to a vacant factory parking lot (in the nearest town) and was rather impressed. It takes some "getting used to", but it's pretty cool to run. The forks just "flop" from side to side, so turning seems to be largely dependent on the lean. Because of that, it doesn't like the slope of the highway out front (learned that after a few WIDE turns into the ditch). I have some ideas for modifications, but testing anything will be slow if I can't learn to drive within two lanes .... on a hill.

So it's back to town for more practice .....
and probably some more road rash for Scooter Trash.
Thanks for still lookin'