Tacoma and Optic look best on the trailer. Curious what you're planning to use for tie-downs.
I completed a trailer last year and through a lot of thought ultimately decided that for me what worked best and looked about as close to scale as I could get were shoelaces. Got these at Academy... they're flo yellow and they stretch. After deciding on how I wanted to run them, I cut to approx length then cut the ends and had my wife sew the ends so that they had loops like an ARB or Warn or Keeper strap. I then mounted d-rings ( 4 total... two in front/ two in back) on the trailer and ran the loops thru the d-rings. Only one end of each strap has a loop. The other end is simply cut and melted with a lighter so to not fray. I got them looking worn by rubbing them with some dirt and grease.Tie downs have been a pita. I had my wraith on here with that front chain hanging over the front rail and some hair ties to act as bungees. Kind of a pain though.
I’d like to grab some scale ratchet straps, my only reason I haven’t got them yet is because I see pics where you have to put them together. They are way too small for me to want to do that.
I’ve been thinking about making some with flat straps (arb scale tow strap style) with hooks on the end. With different tire sizes that will be another problem as they are not stretchy. At this point, idk yet lol