Quarry Creeper
I'll bring some beans or tatersalad....I'll try and bring my big ole portable storage chest to help move stuff to the site. I can be there early to help setup also.
I will also be there early to help set up courses. How early should we be there?
Ok gents. This is the plan for Sunday. We will meet up at crawlers paradise at ten. We will be setting up the BBQ and sitting area just below devils playground at the pic nic table. We will be doing a couple scale runs around devils playground before lunch and have a meeting over some warm food at noon and another run after we eat. Gonna be a cool brisk day so dress warm. I have a BBQ,table,chairs,plates,forks and about 24 dogs and buns. We need someone to bring sodas and chips and anything else they would like to share. Donnie bring your latest ideas for club shirts so we can get them ordered. Any help with some course layouts would be greatly appreciated. Any feed back gents??
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near Kinnickinnick Trail, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Just south of crawlers paradise. Don't make up any shirts yet I want to go over some ideas with you before we print them up and we will order up about twenty of them at once.
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Lol I saw what happened after Cody and I's last side bet lol. Damn rock... anything else we would want I can bring?
Haha please. Ill be taking both your and my money home.
Haha alright. But I bet you two whole dollars neither will your wraith lol
We both know that yours is way farther along than mine so uh